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         I've always adored the color red. If I owned this house and wasn't renting it, I would paint all the walls red and redecorate in red. Lime green is pretty cool too, but for some reason, I've always been draw to the color red.
         I didn't know why, until she walked into my tattoo shop that day. She was so beautiful, but the thing that attracted me the most to her, was her short, curly, mop-like red hair.
         "Hi," she smiled brightly," I was wondering if I could get a stomach tattoo that says 'tsunami'?"
          "Of course," I said, "come back here to my office and we can get a sketch going."
            We sat in my office for what seemed like hours laughing and talking while I sketched. Luckily, it was a Monday, because I don't get very much business during the week. I had more time to sit and talk to this beautiful girl I'm going to call Red because I don't know her name.
             "What's your name?" I asked her. "I'm sorry I didn't ask before."
                "Melani," she said.
That's a nice name, but I'm still going to call you Red.
I finally got started on her stomach tattoo. As I was doing her tattoo, I couldn't help but notice her beautiful abs and admire her knuckle tattoos as her hand rested a short distance away from my face.
We made small talk for a little while until I decided to take the conversation a bit further. I would either regret doing this completely, or thank myself in the long run.
                 "So Melani," I said politely, trying to ease my way into the question I was about to ask her, "if you don't mind me asking, are you by any chance-"
                 "Bisexual?" She finished my sentence to my surprise, "yes," she chuckled.
                  "People must ask you that all the time huh?"
                  "I guess people just don't know what to expect from me because of all my tattoos and how I can change things up with my outfits and attitude. I mean one minute I'm in baggy clothes on a skateboard, and the next I'm in heals and a dress with make up on."
                   I smiled at the thought that ran through me head. 
                  "Get you a girl that can do both."
                   There was a small pause for a moment followed by a genuine eruption of laughter. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. Time flew by faster than I've ever known because of Red and her presence. She was so good a keeping a light conservation, but she was even better at talking about subjects that did more than scratch the surface.
                 "Wow it's really late," Red said suddenly making realize that I was not the only one who felt that time had just drifted away.
"I'm almost finished," I said, "I only have a couple letters left. I mean if you have somewhere else you need to be then we can resch-"
"That won't be necessary," Melani aggressively interrupted me, "I don't have anywhere else I need to be. Besides, you're almost finished, it would be pointless to stop you now."
A sly smile crept up on my face. Something was telling me that Red wanted to remain in my presence just as much as I wanted to remain in hers.
"You're not seeing anybody are you?" I questioned. I figured she was single the way she was talking and flirting with me, but I had to be sure.
"Well, I'm seeing you aren't I?" Red chuckled staring into my deep brown eyes.
"Very funny," I said sarcastically, "I'm serious."
"I'm not seeing anyone at all," she said. It was like music to my ears knowing that this beautiful girl with fiery hair was single and I could work my magic on her. Or at least try to.
"Well, we're all done," I said as I stood up from the stool I was sitting on.
"It's amazing," Red spoke as she gazed at her stomach, "I've had many artist tattoo me, but you are by far the best."
"Oh please," I said dismissing her compliment, "there's no way I'm the best. That Lauryn Hill tattoo is gorgeous. Whoever did that is the best."
"I think you're the best because no tattoo artist has ever been able to hold a conversation with me that made me lose track of time. Now that I think about it, it's been awhile since anyone has graced my ears with a pleasant conversation."
"I'm glad I could be the one to grace your ears," I spoke lowly. I wanted desperately to do more than grace her ears. I wanted to grace her neck with my lips, and run my fingers through her seemingly soft locks. I was so busy gazing at Red's beauty I forgot that I had a bottle of wine under my desk in my office.
                    "Hey," I said suddenly, "would you happen to drink wine?" "Why yes I do drink wine," Red said back to me surprised and somewhat confused as to why I asked her such a thing. Without saying another word, I jumped up from the stool I was sitting on and went to my office where the bottle of wine was.
                     I returned back to the room with Red, sat next to her, and began to pour us drinks.  "So first, you give me this bomb ass tattoo, a bomb ass conversation, and now you're giving me free wine too?" Red  said, "how are you even single? Are you even real? Am I dreaming?"
                  I reached over and gave Red a playful pinch on her upper arm to which she responded with a giggle and slapped my hand away. "I guess you're awake," I chuckled. One glass of wine turned into two, then three, until we finally hit four.
                To this day, I'm not sure if I was the wine or something else tingling inside me but her dimples every time she smiled drove me crazy and adorably hoarse laugh sent me over the edge. Pretty soon things just fell silent and we gazed into each other's eyes.
               Our faces drew closer and closer together until I tasted her wine filled lips and felt her velvet tongue brush against mine. Our mouths danced together in a rhythm together for what seemed like an eternity of bliss. Red was the epitome of beauty and passion.
                My fingers danced in her hair as my tongue did in her mouth. Ever since that day, Red and I have never been the same. She can't get enough of me and I can't get enough of her. To think, all of this because of a simple tattoo.

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