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"Just one more shot Nani, don't bitch out on us now!" Micah yelled over the loud music as she egged Nani on to take another shot.

"Naah man I'm done for the night I can't," Nani slurred back to her drunk, overhyped friend, "I actually think I'm gonna go lay down for a second."

She exits the garage and proceeds to push through all of the people crowding from the living room all the way to the hallway leading to the back of the house.

The dimly lit hallway seemed long to Nani. Each one of her footsteps echoed against the surrounding walls.

The creepiness of the hallway began to melt away her alcoholic buzz.

She no longer felt the need to lay down, so she passed by the bedroom door, which was her original destination, and continued to progress down the hollow hallway.

A distant, muffled cry brushed past Nani's ears.

"Shhh.." a mysterious voice commanded.

Nani's palms began to sweat. She had no clue what was going on. She had no idea how far she had ventured down this hall due to the  darkness.

"Please.." she heard a female whimper, "please..s-stop it h-hurts so much."

"What the fuck," Nani whispered to herself, "I'm about to stop going places with this bitch Micah. Always bring me to some crazy ass house. I feel like I'm on my way to Narnia or some shit."

She followed the noises.

The whimpers and whispers grew louder and louder, letting Nani know that she was getting closer and closer to the source of these strange sounds.

Finally she reached the source.

It was an open bedroom door. Nani slowly peeked into the bedroom, instantly regretting doing so.

Her eyes grew wide when she discovered a man on top of a young woman who was about the same age as her.

She could see tears running down her face.

Nani felt hot tears running down her cheeks as well. The pain she felt for the young woman pierced her heart deeper than she expected it to.

The young woman looked over to the door way and saw Nani standing there. Immediately, Nani put a finger up to her lips, signaling her to stay quiet.

"I'll be back.." Nani mouthed to the girl. She slightly nodded her head and went back to staring at the white ceiling.

Nani rushed back down the hallway as fast as she could. Her chest was heaving, the hallway was spinning even though she was far from being as buzzed as she was before.

She opened the hallway door and walked back through the living room frantically searching for Micah.

And of course, she was too drunk to care about the young woman in trouble just like everyone else at the party.

Nani was not going to just stand by in defeat.

That girl needed her.

She rushed into the beer bottle infested kitchen and grabbed the largest knife she could find.

She crept back down the hallway with her heart beating a thousand miles per minute.

She had now clue how this situation would unfold.

That man looked strong. What if he over powered her and ended up getting stabbed? What if the man tried to assault her too?

That was a road Nani did not want to travel down once more.

She pushed her fears to the side. She had no room to fear anything at that point. She knew she was the only one who could save this girl, so fear could not overtake her.

She peered into the dark bedroom again, only this time the man being much more rough than the last.

Nani grew sick hearing the grunts, broken moans, and squeaking of the bed.

She walked into the room.

The sound and smell brought back vicious memories.

She was standing by the bedside completely undetected by the man who was too lost in his own sickness to realize that his fate would soon be sealed.

The fury in Nani built up.

She couldn't take it anymore.

She let out a blood curdling scream and dug the knife deep into the man's back. She ripped it out, and dug into his back once more.

The young girl screamed in fear as well jumping up from the bed and running into the corner of the bedroom the wall.

The strange man rolled over, revealing his identity.

"Sis," Nani's older brother Bruno croaked, "how could you do t-this."

Blood was gushing from his mouth.

"What the fuck Bruno! What the fuck are you doing here?! How did you even found out about this party? When the fuck did you become a rapist? What is happening?!"

"I'm so sorry," he whispered losing blood and consciousness.

She had no clue that her brother was even here or that he had any idea about the party going on tonight.

She tried to stop the bleeding.

She rolled her brother on his stomach and pushed down on the wounds with all her might.

But her efforts proved to be useless once she realized her brother was no longer responding to her.

"He's dead," she said as she looked down at her lifeless brother.

"I killed him."

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