Try Me On

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"Sooo..." Gina dragged out the 'o' as she began to give me the latest "good" news, "Brayden is going up to Big Bear with his boys for the weekend..."

"Which means?" I said, implying that I wasn't sure as to why she was happy about her boyfriend skipping town for a couple days.

"It means we get to have girl time silly," she giggled hopping on my bed alongside me.

Gina is somebody near and dear to me honestly. Our friendship is...complicated. Her, her boyfriend Brayden, and I have been best friends since the 6th grade.

I met Brayden first cause I was a tomboy who didn't really like hanging with all the messy girls, so I rolled with the guys.

Then Brayden met Gina and introduced us to each other.

Gina is the first girl I've ever gotten hella close to. It was like after Brayden introduced us to each other, we clicked. It's crazy considering Gina is so pink, glittery, and high strung.

All she ever does is talk about fashion and shit. She knows I'm super simple when it comes to clothes, but to be honest she's helped me switched my style up some, and I can't front and I say I don't like it...cause I do.

All three of us are seniors now. Graduation is around the corner; I can't shake the feeling that we're all going to grow apart soon after.

I plan on being a tattoo artist. Gina wants to go to school for fashion of course and Brayden's ball game is pretty legit; He just might get drafted.

"Gigi," I said to Gina after finally leaving my rapid thoughts and coming back to reality, "you love me right?"

"Of course Keh," she responded with concern in her tone, "why would you think for a second I don't?"

"J-just promise me that no matter what happens after we walk the stage in May that you'll still be there for me..."

I know I sound weak as fuck, but Gina and Brayden are my best friends; I wouldn't trade them for the world. Plus I don't really fuck with too many other people.

Making new friends would be hard considering so many people are fucking snakes; I'm just so scared. Everything I know, everything I'm familiar with, is falling.

Gina scoots closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Hey," she began, "I'm gonna be here for you no matter what okay. Me and Brayden are I promise. Stop worrying okay?"

"Okay," I said turning my head towards my left shoulder and looking down into her eyes.

She had these green eyes and freckles that could steal your soul. When she wasn't being a girly, goofy, fashionista, she was super chill; Someone you could vibe with. She's actually the realist person I ever met.

Her girly exterior leads people to believe other wise.

Even Brayden.

Sometimes I really feel like he's doesn't even know his own damn girl. I know he loves her, but I've never heard him talk about anything other than the way Gigi looks or the way she dresses.

Kinda pisses me off because sometimes he treats her like she's his fucking trophy or something.

Like I get wanting to show your girl off, but appreciate her for who she is, not just what she looks like on the outside.

"Can I ask you something?" Gina cut into my thoughts again.

"Shoot," nonchalantly passed from my lips.

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