Prom Masquerade...

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It was prom night today & just 2 more days to my birthday. I don't know exactly when Kritish was gonna show up & in front of me. Hope it's very soon.

I & Gia went shopping for today night. Our college has been having a different prom nights. It was a masquerade party & you have to dance with whichever partner you get. The couple who looks flawless together are crowned as prom king &prom queen.  We reached to the mall & made our way to the ladies section. After half an hour we both choose the same dress again but mine was black & her was red. We both smiled at our similarity. We had chosen one shoulder crumbled dress but with different colours. Matched them with heart shaped clutches & heels, mine were silver & hers were golden. We took neckpiece, mine was engraved with dream & her was engraved with lol, weird. After billing we got ourselves matching masks from the store adjacent to the mall. Mine had feathers & her had two butterflies.

At 6:30 we both got dressed up. As I had little curly n little wavy hair,I had fixed them to side & Gia rolled her hair up in a side messy bun. We left our house at sharp 7:30pm.

As we stepped in the auditorium, everyone were looking amazing. Well I can't say who as their faces were covered.
"Tag along with someone you wish & may the best couple win." Principal said smiling at us. Everyone started getting along, even Gia went with someone & I was waiting for someone to choose me. After 10 minutes someone in black pants & white shirt approached me.

"May I have this dance with you." He said offering his hand. I accepted it & went to the dance floor.
"You look gorgeous Saira." He complimented whispering in my ear.
"Kritish is this you?" I asked him looking down at our feet.
He took up my chin & slowly said, " No one can take you away from me." He leaned in for a kiss. But I purposely took of his mask. He was Shirish, as expected. How dare he come to me? I fell disgusted & was about to leave the dance floor but someone stopped me. "Still wearing my present?? Princess" He said softly. It was him, it was definitely him. It was my Kritish.
"Are you umm Mr.Anony... umm Kritish Roy?" I asked him, not at making eye contact.
" Who else it would be." I could feel him smirking below his mask. I was finally touching him but his face was still covered. We danced silently, until principal announced us as Prom King & Queen of 2015. I was soo happy. I grabbed his hand & made way to the stage. I untied my mask & I was given a small crown. Kritish didn't remove & he had his crown in his hand instead. Gia came forward & asked him to remove his mask, as she wanted to click a picture. But he left from there. He just left.

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