BillDip Bullies

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Dipper was in the corner crying clutching his hand to his chest. It was cold, dark and lonely, with no one around to hear him. Not long ago he had been running out of the class room frantically searching for anywhere to hide himself from the kids who terrorized him. Ten minutes had passed, until footsteps could be heard outside the door. Dipper hugged his knees to his chest and buried his head in his arms as the door slowly opened a crack. "Pine Tree?" the kid put a hand on Dippers shoulders making him gasp in fear, "P...Please no more! I... I can't take it!" he pleaded. "It's ok Pine Tree, its just me. No one is going to hurt you." Bill knelt down behind Dipper wrapping his arms around him, "What happened to you?" Dipper relaxed a little bit leaning into Bill's chest, and then gently put his hand out. The kid gingerly grabbed Dipper's bloody hand inspecting it, soon he had found the words MYSTERY FREAK engraved on his palm and a few cuts on the back of his hand. Bill's eye turned fury red, "Who did this to you Pine tree?" Dipper grabbed his shaky hand wrapping it back up, tears beginning to sting his eyes as he looked down. "It was Gemini's crew wasn't it? Damn it! Let's go pay them a little visit." Bill scowled, picking up the now sobbing curled up boy, "Wait, no, you can't! They promised if I told anyone they would kill me!" Dipper tried to reason, but became silent once Bill shot him a glare. It took two minutes for them to finally arrive at Dipper's classroom, Bill let him down gently then knocked at the door. "Yes? Oh hello Bill! How lovely it is to see you! But aren't you supposed to be at lunch?" The older looking lady asked. "Yes I am, but I sensed something was wrong with my little Pine Tree here. Would you mind if I took a group of your students out in the hall way for a brief moment? Just need to ask them some questions." Bill said with a plastered fake smile. "Go right ahead! You're always so polite. Take as much time as you need." "Thank you very much Mrs. Susan. If I could have Gemini's group come with me please." Gemini and his friends walked towards the door with smirks as they saw Dipper cowering behind Bill. Instantly after the door closed Bill and Dipper were surrounded by Gemini's posy. "Aww did the mystery freak finally spill? We warned you what would happen if you did that. Shame I was looking forward to playing with you some more, no matter I can always replace you." Gemini taunted with a devilish grin. "Let me make one thing very clear. No one touches a hair on Pine Tree's head but me. But if you decide not to heed my warning then there will be consequences." Bill announced calmly. Meanwhile Dipper was clinging onto the blond boy's leg for dear life, when someone tried to make a grab for him. Bill whipped around grabbing the attackers neck slamming him into the cement brick wall. "Please don't take me for a fool. This isn't the first time I've dealt with people like you before and if your so called friends know what's good for you they won't make another move.  Listen and listen good, this is only the beginning of the nightmare I plan to put you all through." Gemini began to laugh so hard tears where coming out as he walked over to where Dipper stood scared, "So, so let me get this straight. You expect us to run away in fear because of a weak little threat like that? Don't make me laugh, Dipper belonged to us way before you came along. Isn't that right Dipper?" Bill's eye's narrowed as his grip tightened making the squirming boy gasp for air. Dipper refused to talk until Gemini took out a knife from his back pocket putting it up to the terrified boy's neck. "I said isn't that right Dipper? " His voice edged with annoyance, then he started drawing blood as an incentive to move things along. "O...Okay! Yes! I belong to you! Please stop!" Tears were pouring from Dipper, "That's enough Gemini you made your point!" Bill yelled, "But I don't think I have yet, its probably easier if I cement it in. Give me your other hand you little brat." "No! I won't let you hurt me anymore!" Bill had enough, the gloves are coming on. Before Gemini was about to rip Dipper's hand from him the ground started rumble and crackle. "There is just no reasoning with a bunch for mortal fools. They rarely ever listen." With that Bill let loose his evil laugher before blue flames erupted around him awakening his demonic side. "Name's Bill Cipher! I've been keeping a very close eye on you!" Snapping his fingers the blue flames subsided, revealing a tall slender man wearing a black eye patch over his left eye, yellow suit, white shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, bow tie, and a floating top hat. "Hey Pine Tree you might want to take this chance to run." Dipper snapped out of his daze, punching Gemini in the nose, then the little third grader took off in a mad dash. "That little brat!" Gemini  started to run after Dipper but suddenly froze as a white glove softly covered his mouth, "Tsk tsk. Always running after someone, when will you realize, it's futile to run away from me." Instantly Bill snapped his neck making the teen fall to the floor with a thud. The demon eerily turned around at the remaining group, his eye glowing red with blood lust, "Who's next?"
Dipper was just rounding the corner when he heard screams of horror followed by Bill's laughter. "I can only imagine what he did to them." He turned around and quickly ran toward the maniacal laughter. Once he arrived, Dipper carefully peered around the corner putting his hand to his mouth in shock. There stood Bill surrounded by eight limp teenage bodies some which had blood stains on their faces. Dipper let out a sharp exhale, grabbing the demon's attention. The small kid slid down the wall praying for mercy. "Pine Tree?" A familiar voice called out, looking around the corner seeing the scared kid. Dipper looked up to see Bill who was no longer his demon self but the face he'd come to know and love. "Those kids won't bother you anymore. We had a lovely talk and they gladly excepted my offer." The blond kid said sitting next to Dipper. "D...did you kill them? What did you offer them?" "Weellll, we worked out an agreement which entailed them never bothering you again in exchange for me letting them live. Don't worry little Pine Tree your teacher is asleep when everyone wakes up they'll think it was a dream. Except for those boys, they'll wake up from a night terror and they'll feel every bruise/cut I gave to them." Dipper smiled weakly, "H-hey Bill, how did you even find me? Or knew where I was?" The older boy looked off into the distance, "I'm a dream demon, master of the mind. I'm always checking in on your emotional state, you just never noticed.Besides the whole reason I'm here is to protect you.But that's a story for another day. We need to get you home and patched up." Looking over Dipper was fast asleep on his shoulder, Bill sighed kissing the small boys head before picking him up and taking him home.

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