BillDip You're Never Really Alone Part 4

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"Guess who asked that moronic arrogant blond bitch from school on a date!?" the front door to the house slammed open to revealing a pissed off raging quitting Will and an amused Dipper trailing close behind. "Someone is just cranky jealous he didn't get asked out." a devious grin itching across his face. Dipper's Dad peered over his newspaper with a curious glance, "And who would this lady be Dipper?" Before the brunette even had time to utter a word the demon slapped a hand over his mouth cutting in, "This so called young lady bullied Dipper and was an absolute witch to him! But what the the little idiot do? Asks the she devil for a date in the moonlight. What the hell! He might as well of walked up and said 'Hey I'm a love sick puppy! Wanna adopt me?'" Dipper finally removed Will's hand sending burning daggers into the side of his head. Dipper's father was laughing so hard tears were coming out of his eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, anyway! What time is this date of yours and where are you planning to go?" Dipper thought for a moment, "Well it's at 7:00pm and I was thinking of taking her for a burger at Burger World and then for a walk in the park maybe?" Dipper's Mom gave an encouraging smile from the kitchen, "You'll have so much much fun! Do you have enough money?" the tiny brunette shook his head yes before making a dash for the upstairs before Will could register what was going on. "Going to get ready!" "Hey! Where do you think your going!?!" the dream demon asked running after him.

"No matter what you say it's not going to change my mind." Dipper stated as he placed a rebellious hair back into place, while the demon sat, arms crossed on his bed. "Geez kid your stubbornness could freeze hell over." with a defeated sigh the blond fell backwards staring up at the ceiling. "Your persistence could burn holes in someone's soul. Now quit your whining." the smaller teen said hovering over Will, but the demon stared dangerously back. "You have no idea kid. But know, no matter what I will be watching you and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me." a quick splash of crimson dashed across his eyes, sending shuddering fear racing up Dipper's spine, he wearily backed away from the boy sitting on the bed, keeping eye on him as the other rose to his feet. "Just because you've stuck up for me and saved me doesn't mean you can observe every move I make, stop acting like I'm yours when I'm clearly not." Silence filled the room, it was still, as if time had stopped, giving Dipper time to soak in what he had said realizing the mistake, he blushed with embarrassment as the teen across from him stared at the floor emotionless. 'Ugh I can't read his face! What is going on in his head? Did I overstep my bounds?' Dipper crept over to where the blond was standing, carefully peering under the hair that masked the others face.
Finally It happened, the room was consumed in darkness,Will grabbing him by the throat then slamming him on the bed, "W-Will! What are you doing?!?!" struggling to break free but that made Will who was looming over gripped tighter, "I've done everything in my power, yet I'm still swept under the bed like a bad dream. Do you have any idea why the hell I even came here? I did it to be a part of your life, foolishly believing in the fact you'd finally love me the way I love you. DAMN YOU! IDIOT I CAME HERE FOR YOU!" cold icely tears slid down Dipper's flushed face, soon joined by flaming blue tears from above delicately trinkling on the smaller boy's face. "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry-" Will's tears came to a halt, face still dark, "You'll never understand unless I show you Pinetree." voice shaking, yet confident, the demon lowered his face until they were mere inches apart, watching as the brunette's eyes widened, as if realising he was at the golden boys mercy. All Dipper could see was glowing golden eyes giving him predatory gaze. Not long after, Will softly dipped his head down, gingerly colliding their lips. Dipper panicked, 'what the crap!', but found himself falling under the golden boy's spell. Will's fiery passion poured into him like smooth honey and Will's hands moved slithering through his little Pinetree's perfect chocolate brown hair. Finally Will gently pulled away, looming over Dipper, "Well, I assume you grasp the concept considering the look on your face right now." the demon said with an amused look, Dipper's face was colored with different brilliant shades of red. The shadows that had lurked before were gone, leaving the two in a now lit room.

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