You're Never Really Alone Part 6

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"I..I have no choice. I don't want any harm coming to my family.." Dipper stared at the floor contemplating. "I already know your answer. Sweet dreams Pinetree." The brunette didn't have time to react as he collapsed at the snap of a finger from the demon who picked the kid up throwing him over his shoulder vanishing.
Dipper bolted up looking and felt around. His fingertips stretched out to find cold tile floor surrounding him.
"Hello?" The small boy looked around not seeing anything but a shadowy figure lurking in the corner leaning on the wall.
"It's about time you woke up Pinetree." The shadowy figure walked out into Dippers view devilishly grinning. //Holy shit if smiles could kill I would so be dead at this moment// Dipper thought as he stared at the demon walking closer a beat of sweat trickled down the side of his face. The dream demon stopped an inch away from his face with an amused chuckle, "Your blushing Pinetree ~ it's a good look for you. Although I'd love to see that blush while hearing you scream for mercy after I'm done toying with you ~" the brunette shuttered his heart feeling as though it were going to jump out of his chest. "Y-you wouldn't bill your not even human!" Bill grabbed Dippers face grinning "watch me ~"

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