BillDip You're Never Really Alone Part 2

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It was 10:00 at night when Dipper finally woke up, he found Will fast asleep with his back turned to him. "Will?" the tiny boy gently started to shake him, until he came face to face with a pair of golden glowing eyes, "Hey kid, feeling better?" Dipper stared at him for a moment before checking himself, "Um...oddly enough...I feel good... I can't seem to feel any cuts either...How is that possible? Wait how am I even in my room!" Dipper fell backwards off the bed, "W...wait! You're in my room, how did you know where I lived!" The demon sighed before clicking on the lamp next to the bed. "Yeesh kid calm down. First I fixed you up, nothing huge there. Second I took care of those bullies long enough for us to escape, third I asked the front office for your address told them I had to get you home. Lastly, try locking the front door next time genius."  Dipper didn't really believe all of it but watched closely as the golden kid began to pout. " you for taking me home and patching me up. I suppose you can stay with us tonight since it's so late. Follow me down stairs, we can get something to eat." As the two walked down the stairs Dipper spotted Mabel on the couch in front of the TV, their mom and dad were busy washing dishes in the kitchen. "Hello mom, dad, Mabel. This is Will, mind if he spends the night?"  His mom eyed him suspiciously, "Dipper when did you even get here? I don't remember ever seeing you walk through the front door let alone with a friend!" Dipper shifted uneasily, Bill watched his uneasiness, then spoke up, "Dipper was having some trouble today at school, due to the fact I'm new I didn't arrive until the beginning for fifth hour. That's when I found him slumped over by a locker and helped him out, later on some kids tried messing with him so I just dealt with them and took Dip home, the front door was unlocked. I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner, but he was just in rough condition." Dipper's mother stood there horrified and instantly ran over to Dipper hugging him checking for injuries. "Sweetie! Why didn't you tell us kids you were getting bullied?! How long has this been going on?" Dipper sighed, "A while now. It's just physical and mental, but it's nothing I can't deal with mom." His mom gave him a cold glare, "How can you take that! I thought we raised you better than this!" Then she turned to Bill, "Thank you for helping Dipper, he tends to be quiet and shy. Making friends was always difficult for him, it's nice to finally see someone caring for him." The gold demon smiled warmly, "It's no problem at all. You can bet I'll be keeping an eye out for him. No one will be hurting him anymore, today was their last chance."  Dipper's mom hugged Bill before asking them if they wanted anything. "Um mom, would you mind making us some scramble eggs maybe?" "Of course sweetie! Hey Mabel would you like any?"Mabel shook her head, "No thanks, think bro bro needs it a lot more then I do." A few minutes later Bill and Dipper were devouring the light fluffy eggs, "And Will, you're more than welcome to stay with us, but do we need to call your parents?" Bill froze, he never thought this far ahead. "Um...heh...funny't exactly have parents..." he said blushing looking down, Dipper's father chimed in, "Well that's sad, we won't pry. But I suppose you're going to need somewhere to crash, you can sleep in Dipper's room from now on." "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Pines." Dipper sat there having no say in the matter so he just rolled his eyes dropping his head on the table. The three chuckled, "I guess his long day tuckered him out, Will would you mind talking him upstairs?" "Of course, if you will excuse me I will be going to sleep as well, tomorrow will be a very eventful day." Bill walked over picking his very annoyed Pine Tree and began to walk up stairs. Once they arrived back in Dipper's room the small brunette hop out of Bill's arms giving him the stink eye, "Lighten up kid, they were going to find out eventually." "That's the thing, I don't want them to be worrying about me all day. Hence the reason I was getting nervous." "Look, I tried to reassure them so they won't have to worry bout you. I always cover my tracks. We need to get to sleep, tomorrow will make for very eventful day and you need to be ready to run, got it?" Dipper looked at him a bit scared but slowly nodded him head. "But if you'll be sleeping here then you will need pj's. I'll go search my closet for something that might fit." "Dipper don't worry about it I have it covered. See?" Before the kid had time to turn around Bill snapped his fingers reveling a yellow t-shirt with a pyramid on the chest and cozy golden plaid pants.  Dipper scratched his head not understanding when he could've changed but just shrugged it off, "Ok then. I'll turn the light off." Bill walked over taking his spot closest to the wall, Dipper followed turning off the light behind him. "Good night Dip." "Um, good night Will."

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