You're Never Really Alone part 5

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Part 5
"The only one ever called me Pinetree is..." The demon looked at him with a sense of amusement as Dipper finally pieced together the last pieces of the puzzle. Dipper looked up surprised and frightened, "B-bill!? No you can't be here! I thought I left you behind at Gravity Falls!" The poor brunette started to panic, Bill rolled his eyes then quickly pinning Dipper's left arm next to him and used the other one to cover the squirming kid's mouth underneath him."Ugh Pinetree just stop for a moment and calm the hell down." Dipper laid there still, scared, all the while staring into the eyes he hoped he'd never see again. "Ok first of all, Pinetree that's a very rude reaction to a kiss. Second I am Bill Cipher, I knew you were smart enough to figure it out,  it I didn't expect it to take this long. Thirdly it's impossible for you to ever have a hope of escaping me no matter where you are. Now if I let you go will you do me a favor and not scream? It'd be awkward for the all of us to have your family to barrage in and have to explain 'Hey guys guess what? A demon followed me home from Gravity Falls!' Which I guarantee won't go over well." Dipper closed his eyes before shaking his head obediently. The gold demon slow got off Dipper and both sat up across from each other.
"Bill I-" "You're sorry for how you acted and treated me? I am too." Bill said with a huff. "Um hold did you know what I was thinking?" With a low growl Bill pinched the bridge of his nose,"Because for one I'm a master of the mind if you can recall, not to mention I visit your dreamscape quite often. So I ALWAYS KNOW. And before you say anything there is a way to make this up to me. I think you know all too well Pinetree~" Dipper gave him a quizzical look before his eyes widened."You can't be serious Bill...." "Oh but I am you see. You can either say yes or say no and have your family in jeopardy. My patience has been wearing thin waiting for you. What will it be? The easy way or the hard way?"

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