BillDip You're Never Really Alone Part 1

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Bill always kept an attentive eye on his little Pine Tree, watching him battle monsters, struggle with his classmates, and always managing to keep his head up high. The demon could never figure out how he did it, the possibility of having a death wish crossed his mind a few times, but was easily tossed to the back.
It had been four weeks since Dipper had last seen the Mystery Shack, in doing so he also left the only true friends he had behind. School had started rough, Mabel wasn't in any of his classes, and people wouldn't even acknowledge his presence. Dipper had been walking to his next class, on the way he passed a large group of kids who gave him a small glance and began to whisper. Before Dipper could react one of the kids put there foot out tripping him, making his books scattering everywhere. "Look where you're going kid! If you're not careful something worse could be in your future." A tall dark haired kid emerged from the group, walking over to where Dipper was kicking him in the stomach, making him cough up blood. No sooner the bell had rang signaling the start of class, the group of kids laughed as they walked on his things before disappearing, leaving Dipper lying on his side in pain. After five minutes, the small brunette began whipping the blood from his face and collecting his things, before slowly limping over to his class. As he opened the door the teacher gave him a cold glare before hissing at him to take a seat. Shortly after taking his seat the never ending nightmare commenced, the teacher never noticing a thing. "What have I done to deserve this. Mabel has no trouble making friends! Everyone loves her and then there's me. Her geeky brother everyone picks on or never notices at all. But if it wasn't for her I'd have no one at all. Just need to continue through the day, maybe it'll get better! Yeah...something good is bound to happen eventually right? Just two more hours, I got this!" The bell rang again jerking Dipper out of his thoughts, as he gathered his things, quickly walking out of the small classroom, instantly being joined by two older kids. Dipper tried to quicken his pace but to his dismay so did the boys, soon the brunette found himself being slammed into a locker before his entire world went black.
Bill sat in the dreamscape seething with fury as he watched the boys beat on his little Pine Tree. "If I were there I'd set them on fire or better yet send them to the Nightmare realm. Wait a minute, I can be there for Pine Tree! He'll be so surprised! Or just very pissed. Either way it'll be fun messing with some meat bags." Snapping his fingers Bill turned into a Fifth teen year old boy. He had stylish short yellow hair, piercing golden eyes, perfect sun kissed skin, a jacket that was golden on the outside and black on the inside with pyramid patterned trim, black jeans, with tall black combat boots with a gold buckle toward the top. "This should be very interesting." After that Bill snapped his fingers appearing in front of a very hurt Pine Tree.
"Hey kid...." Dipper's face constricted in pain, struggling to open his eyes, "Are you ok? You seem pretty beat up." Dipper was finally able to open his swollen eye, " " He mustered as he tried sitting up, but was surprised to see a golden figure helping him. After Dipper was carefully propped up against a locker, the golden kid quickly knelt down next to him tending to some of his bruises and cuts, "W...why are you helping me? must be new here." Bill didn't exactly want to be discovered yet. "You're correct, I am new. I was lost trying to find this place. But I see the day is almost over. No matter, I met the one and only person I'll ever need here." The demon said with a warm smile which sent shivers up Dipper's spine. "Ha don't worry Pi...kid! Maybe if we're lucky I can have some classes with you." Dipper eyed the kid suspiciously. "Yeah. That would be great. I need to try getting to class, thanks for the help." Dipper started to stagger over to his books just about falling over in the process. Bill rolled his eyes, snapping his fingers making all the scattered material accumulate into Dipper's backpack, composing everything in it to look brand new. Dipper stood still as stone, "Either I'm seeing things or those jerks really scrabbled my brain." Finally he decided to approach the backpack with caution, picking it up, finding it was normal. Once he looked up, the gold kid was no one was there. "Geez, my eyes are just messing with me. Maybe it's from the lack of sleep I've been getting." Dipper shook his head and began his trek to his last hour. He carefully walked in being met by his teacher, "Oh my Dipper! What happened to your eye?" Behind the teacher he could see some of the kids motioning if he told he'd be dead. "'t watching where I was going's nothing serious..." The small boy looked down as his teacher gave him a puzzled stare, "Alright sweetie, but when you get home try putting some ice on it. Please take your seat." He nodded his head, instantly finding the empty desk.
School was finally out and Bill was sitting up in a giant oak tree waiting for Dipper to come out. Suddenly he saw him dashing out of the school with a group of boys quickly catching up to him. "Shit." The demon muttered up his breath. Meanwhile Dipper let out a sharp exhale as someone tackled him to the ground pinning him, all the air was crushed out of his lungs. "! Haven' m... me...enough?!" The poor boy wheezed, "Not nearly enough..." But before the jock could finish his sentence he felt someone tap his shoulder. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Bill gave him an unsatisfied glare, "Hmm, I think I'm William Cipher the new kid that you idiots should be fearing right about now. But you don't seem that smart so let me simplify this for you. Get off that small boy and I'll think about sparing your useless lives." The giant group of boys turned around, surrounding golden boy, "You think that just because you're new we have to play nice? I don't care where you came from, here we wail on anyone we please and if you're not ok with that then we'll have to beat it into you." Bill rolled his eyes, before they turned crimson red and his face darkened, "You're so sure of yourself, so confident, but really it's just arrogance. It's quiet funny really...but enough talk lets have some real fun." Just as Bill finished the group charged at him, a wicked grin stretched across his face. A black haired kid appeared behind him trying to land a punch but the demon dodged with ease and jumped onto the puzzled kids head. "Yeesh, you meat bags aren't fun at all! So damn simplistic!" one of the jocks ran over trying to grab Bill, right before the kid could touch him he'd jumped off the black haired kid's head, letting the two collide. "You no longer amuse me. Such a damn disappointment, try harder tomorrow you useless meat bags." The gold demon chanted a small verse making blue flames engulf his right hand before raising it above his head then slamming it into the ground causing a dark shock wave around him. All the boys from the group were sent backwards smashing their heads on the stonewall of the building, knocking them all out. Bill stood up satisfied, then instantly ran over to where Dipper was laying. "Too much excitement for you Pine Tree. Let's get out of here."He gingerly picked up the small unconscious boy and his backpack before dissolving into the air. It didn't take long for them to appear in Dipper's room, once Bill took in the surroundings he placed the small boy on his bed, then took a seat on the end. "Tomorrow will be a long day. Rest and heal my little Pine Tree." Within an hour Mabel had entered her brother's room to check on him, but found him fast asleep next to a cute golden haired boy. Mabel sighed dreamily, which caught the golden boy's attention. Instantly he was in front of her, "Can I help you?" Mabel blushed as his golden eyes pierced hers, "I...I just came to check on Dipper, um...m...may I ask who you are?" His stare became cold, "I am a friend of Dippers. I don't think you deserve to know anything more right now." With that Bill gently pushed her out, "Wait! Dipper doesn't have any friends though!" Mabel dug her heals into the floor in protest making Bill exhale in annoyance. "My name is William Cipher; I'm not from around here. I've been taking care of Dipper since fifth hour, so I think the least you can do is trust me. "Mabel stood there at a loss for words as the door close.

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