You're Never Really Alone Part 8

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A cold chilling breath was all the brunette felt against his warm pale skin, slowly his eyes opened adjusting to the light. "Glad to see you have finally come to Pinetree ~" a warm liquid voice rung through this ears playfully. It was then Dipper bolted up, eyes shot wide open to see nothing but a giant bedroom with himself on a plush mattress with crimson red sheets. "Huh? What? W-what happened?" He looked around to a new set of clothes on the dresser beside the bed he was laying on. "Wait those aren't mine they are too big..." he whispered picking them up investigating until he felt two strong invisible hands on his chest causing Dipper to freeze up immediately. "You know...." The demon began, "Nude suits you well ~ but so does this 19 year old version of you Pinetree. It simply fits like a leather glove~!" It took Dipper a moment to realize William or as he had come to realize 'Bill' had stripped him of all his clothes and left no trace. The brunette blushed brightly trying to cover the important pieces, "Bill you pervert! Why would you strip me? Most importantly why would you change my age!" The demon only laughed darkly pulling Dipper's head back into his lap, "Now now Pinetree, I only found it right to treat you like a man rather than the child you are at times. Is that truly a crime? Besides I'm going to treat you way better than that one Bitch ever could. I certainly will not be loosing my favorite toy over this or any other meat sack. Do you understand?" The sly demon had now manifested back into his human form but this time wearing his classic pyramid tux and tie, along with black leather gloves. Dipper could only look up in fear and the small curiosity pulling at his mind. The blonde only derived more pleasure in seeing him in such a state, "You are afraid? should be."
((Sorry for being a troll. But you will survive. More coming out possibly tomorrow.))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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