BillDip You're Never Really Alone Part 3

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Fourth hour had come to an end, Dipper and Will where walking side by side down the hall when the little brunette got yanked backwards by someone. The demon kept on walking for a second before noticing Dipper being dragged away by a small girl. "Hey! Let go of me!" The two turned the corner, finally Dipper came face to face with his sister. The small boy narrowed his eyes, "Relax bro, we need to talk. School is about over and if we don't fix our deal then mom is grounding me." The golden demon finally rounded the corner stopping behind Dipper. "Do you mind Cipher? I'm trying to have a conversation with my brother; you don't have to follow him around like a lost puppy." Will raise a bow, "Aren't you a little young to have such an attitude problem? " Mabel grimaced, "After what you said to Pacifica? I think you deserve every ounce of it." The gold teen threw his head back laughing, "Oh really? That's rich," His laughter slowed, wiping a tear away, "If you haven't noticed I've been improving your brother's day and defending him unlike you. But I guess you already knew that by your expression." The small girl growled, "Oh please. What do you know about making my brother's day perfect? You act as if you've known him longer then I have!" Dipper slid down the wall as the two continued to argue. "I am not getting grounded because I hit a bruised spot that should have healed already!" "Damn it Mabel I thought you were more sensitive then this!" "Well you thought wrong." Mabel whipped her chocolate brown hair in Will's face as she ran off. Dipper bobbed this head over toward Will, "Soooo....are you ready to go to class yet?" The demon looked down at Dipper  with a concerned expression then slowly nodding his head.
It was finally passing time for sixth hour; both teens had been quiet for some time now. "Hey Dip, wanna skip sixth hour to go sit in that giant oak tree in front of the school?" "W...wait, s...skip class?!" The tiny brunette looked up at the blond in confusion, "What? It'd be fun and relaxing no?" Dipper fought with himself for a moment before answering, "Sure why not!" Will grinned, "I'm such a bad influence, but of course you must love that."  When he looked over Dipper's face was burning, "Don't look at me like that Will! You're embarrassing me." "Oh hoho~, we wouldn't want that now would we?" he conned, before cracking up. Soon the two arrived in front of the old tree, "I'll go first, then drag you up after kid." Dipper nodded as the golden teen made his way up to the branch. "Hey! What do you think you're doing Pine cone?!" a familiar famine voice called out. Will had just out stretched his hand to Dipper, close to toppling off the branch, "Pacifica! Oh hey, um, what are you doing out here?" the small brunette turned his attention to the blonde walking toward her, leaving the demon hanging. "Well...not that it's any of your business, but I like to come read underneath this tree. Where's your rebellious little boy friend?"  Suddenly Will fell out of the tree with a loud thud groaning, quickly recovering he huffed and appeared right behind Dipper. "He...ummmm...hahaha! You're funny! H...he's not my boyfriend! B...but um are you free tonight at 7:00? That is if you're not already busy." Pacifica ignored the daggers being shot in her direction by the golden haired boy and eyed Dipper carefully, " a date? Even after what happened in the lunchroom?" "Y...yeah a date! I'm willing to put that in the past if you wanna start over." Dipper Stretched out his hand, "Hi, my name is Dipper Pines!" The blond girl looked cautiously at the hand before taking it, "Pacifica Northwest. Dipper Pines you got yourself a date! See you at seven!" with that she ran off leaving Will and Dipper alone (BIG mistake). Dipper sighed dreamily before feeling an extreme heat materialize behind him, when he turned around every spec of gold on Will had turned red with jealousy and anger. "What?" Will narrowed his eyes before talking a deep breath, shifting back to his golden color, regaining control. "Don't give me that look." Dipper arched a brow, "How should I look at you then?" The demon pinched the bridge of this nose, "Ugh just forget it!" Finally it clicked for Dipper why Will was acting up, a devilish smirk creped across his face, "Aww~ is someone jealous?" The taller boy's face reddened, Dipper knew he caught him, "What!? ME? Jealous? Don't make me laugh, what do I have to be jealous off?" he began to laugh nervously. "Uh huh, well when you're ready to tell me your little secret I'll be all ears." Dipper rolled his eyes as he walked back toward the school, Will followed not far behind pouting.

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