•6• First Serious Argument

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"Luke, please say you don't believe this!" You begged to Luke, while taking his phone out of his hands and reading the latest crap about you. "I don't know what to believe anymore, this is the third time, this week." "Well If you don't trust me and you think I'm cheating then it's over!" You screamed letting out some anger and slamming the door.


You were sitting on the edge of the sofa waiting for Ashton to come home. He was meant to be home a few hours ago. Every possibility was going through your head, was he cheating? Had he been run over? Is he staying somewhere else? You had rang him countless times and left many voicemails. Your eyes closed slowly but opened again as you heard a key turn in the door. "Ashton!" You screamed happy to see he was home and safe. "Get of me." He roared. This wasn't the Ashton you knew, he wasn't being the bubbly, caring and funny boy you knew to be your lover. It hurt. "What has happened to you? What have I done? You haven't showed me love in weeks. You won't hug me or kiss me, your always home late and you don't text or ring me anymore." Your voice cracked as you broke down flooding with tears, you looked up, his face looked sad and guilty. "Look (Y/N), I love you and I'm sorry. I'm just upset and stressed. Please forgive me?" He said giving you a long and passionate kiss.


You didn't mind Michael's love for video games because you loved them too, but after all you were his girlfriend and you thought lately that you'd like some attention. "Michael?" "Hmm" he replied not really listening or paying any attention. "Do you want to go out tonight?" "Yeah of course, go get ready. I'll be up in a min." He said with a little more enthusiasm as you placed a smile on your face. You went upstairs and got ready. You curled your hair, applied makeup and put a really nice dress that made your body look sexy. You waited for Michael to come upstairs, but he didn't. Half an hour came by and he still didn't come. You walked downstairs to see Michael still playing on his X box. You sighed and unplugged it. "(Y/N) What the fuck was that for?" He said then looking at your outfit undoubtably remembering why you were dressed like this. "Look (Y/N), Im sorry."
"Piss off." You said running upstairs crying.


You were at the club with Calum. After a few hours of non-stop dancing you were really thirsty. "Cal, can you get some drinks?" "Sure love! I'll get the usual." "Thanks babe." As soon as Calum left, a guy approached you. "Hey beautiful, what's a girl like you doing on your own?" You were scanning the room looking for your boyfriend. "I'm not." "Sure love." He said sarcastically no believing you. You carried on talking for a few minutes longer trying to get rid of him. "HEY!" Calum shouted. "GET AWAY FROM HER." You were glad the creepy guy finally left. "Thanks babe." "Don't talk to me." He said coldly walking back over to the bar. You were insulted. "What have I done?" You screeched, upset that he had spoken to you like that. "You're always flirting and showing of your body to other guys. I don't like it. You're meant to be mine, but it seems like you'd rather spend your time with every guy other than me." Wow. "Maybe I like to look nice and maybe I am too kind to tell people to stop talking to me. A LITTLE TRUST WOULD BE NICE." You screamed running out of the club back to your apartment.

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