•9• First Date

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•Luke• Concert

You had always wanted to go to a proper concert. Luke found out that was one of the things on your bucket-list, so for your first date, he thought it would be a good idea to take you to one. "Luke please tell me where we are going?" You asked him. "I am not telling you." He cooed. "Urgh, please babe." You pouted. "Alright, Alright only because I don't like to see you sad. WE ARE GOING TO A CONCERT!" He screamed. "Oh my f***king god, really? Thank you!" You said as you leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Ashton• Carnival

It's your first date with Ashton and you really like him. Ashton being a big kid decides to take your to a carnival. "I'm going to win something for you." he says, willing to get you a toy. "You really don't have to." "No, I want to." After a few failing tries of throwing the rings, he finally wins you a big, pink bear. "I told you I'd get you something!" He said quite chuffed with himself.

•Calum• Picnic

For your first date, Calum had decided to take you out for a picnic at a local park. He had made a big deal about it. He had attached pink fairy lights to the trees, he had made a playlist of your favourite songs and made a big basket of lovely foods. The date went smoothly, you and Calum had both really enjoyed each other's company. When the date had finished Calum had asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend, to which you replied yes.

•Michael• Movie Day

This was your first date and Michael had invited you around for a movie day. "You sure you want to watch this (Y/N)? Will you get scared?" He said in a kids voice. "Of Course not. Will you?" You said cheekily. Scary movies didn't bother you because you knew they were unreal. He popped in 'Friday the 13th'. You both got up from the floor and laid on the couch, cuddled up together. He turned his head towards you. "I can think of better things to do." He said with a cheeky smirk plastered on his face. You hit his shoulder. "Its our first date, don't you think it's a bit too early?"

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