∞ 15

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"What would you do if you found out someone was trying to pursue your girlfriend," I asked Sonny as I dribbled the basketball against the pavement. Last night, I had gotten drunk but I still remembered quite a bit. From the two girls trying to take advantage of me, to meeting Portia. It was all clear in my mind.

Sonny who was texting on her phone, looked up at me with interest. I took a shot from the three point line and it swished in with grace. Man, I couldn't wait for basketball season. "It depends. Is this person attractive?"

"Very attractive. They have gorgeous blue eyes compared to your basic brown ones and they have so much in common with her," I added more information so Sonny could put herself in the shoes I had given her.

Sonny pursed her lips and walked over to a nearby bench. I followed her with her basketball in tote. We both sat down and I waited patiently as Sonny gathered her thoughts. "I can't really do much. You and I and the rest of the girls on the team hold a huge torch. We're models to students and other people who look up to us. So, no matter how bad I might want to beat this person up, I can't. I can't fight them. So, I'd hire some people to take care of them." I laughed a little bit at Sonny's response. She acted as if she had gang members on speed dial. She may have lived in a rough neighborhood but she stuck out like a sore thumb.

"If the person that's trying to take my girl away from me is a guy, then I'd get someone to kidnap him and then hang him from a large hook by his balls." I grimaced and made a disgusted noise at the thought of her idea. "If it's a girl, then I don't know. I'd probably get someone to shove a harpoon up her asshole." Sonny shrugged and then looked at me as if what she didn't say wasn't completely disgusting. "Why'd you ask, buddy?" She nudged me playfully and I smiled a little.

"There's this girl who is one of Emery's friends. She just met her but they're already close. They have so many things in common. It's obvious that they're both crushing on each other. It makes me feel like sh-t because I know that Emery and I don't have much in common. We began our relationship faster than most people. Our relationship is strong but it's not built on a sturdy foundation. Anybody could just come in and sweep her away if they're good enough and Portia is definitely good enough."

It felt good to get that out to someone. A huge pressure was let off of my chest. Sonny looked at me seriously as she tried to analyze my response. "Julian, you're literally the sweetest person I know. You'll give the world to someone you barely even know. You're always so kind and polite. It's obvious that Emery may be into someone else, but she'll realize that she's not going to get anyone who treats her better than you. Just give her time. It's probably just a small crush, she'll be over it soon. Just play it cool and if she f-cks you over, I'll personally shove a harpoon up her ass."


Days had passed, it was the night of Emery and Portia's performance. Emery was more than ecstatic. She texted me so many times to remind me of the time and the location. I promised her that I wouldn't miss her performance. She had been working so hard on the dance, spending most of her time on it rather than with me, that I wanted to see the end results.

When I arrived, I easily picked out where her friends were sitting. They were sitting in the back of the theater since all the other seats were taken. Their loud bickering is what got my attention. Danny was talking about following Justin Bieber's footsteps and getting dreads. While Z swore up and down that it'd be cultural appropriation, and if he actually went through with it that she'd cut him off for weeks, if not forever.

I took a seat beside Frankie and she shook her head. "Can't take these kids anywhere," she kidded as she looked at me. "Are you alright, bro?"

"Yeah, I just can't wait until this competition is over. It's all she's been working on. If she's not at rehearsal for the play, then she's dancing. We haven't had any time together the past week, you know?" Frankie nodded her head but she didn't respond verbally.

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