Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"We have discovered that the human spirit inside of all of us that has an enormous capacity to survive even through the worse circumstances. " Amanda Lindhout

Time passes and I have forgiven Laila for her false hope, I feel bad for being so moody. It is not her fault that we are here, she did not choose this.

Besides who am I to take away her hope? If she wants to believe in her brother then let her, she is much happier then I am.

She is like a child at Christmas, who really wants to believe that there is no Santa? Let her be the 12 year old who is still holding on to the dream of a fat man coming down her chimney with free toys. Because like all the adults I know there is no such thing as Santa. Just like I know we will never leave in something other than a body bag.

Laila has not had it easy, she has been taken to the doctor and been placed in the Radiator several times in the last couple of days, yet her spirit is still high.

I sometimes used to feel like I feed off of the waves people have rolling from their souls, they have always come to me like air comes to my lungs when I breath. They are invisible yet I know they are there, I felt them like the wind on my skin. Since arriving at here ever I am I have only felt darkness, greed, hunger, and anger. They all leave such a bitter tasting my mouth, and leave me feeling poisoned.

Yet with Laila I feel hope, and purity so raw that I had only ever saw it in one other person before I ended up here and that was my mother.

The Gentle Lion as my father called her, always standing up for others, quietly killing her enemies with a smile, and truth. Yes Laila is much like my mother. A strong woman who has the power to lead with an open heart and clear vision.

Laila should have been good for me she should have made some of the bitterness go away. Yet I am lower then ever.

I have no appetite, I have not even sat up on my own without someone forcing me in forever.

The man in the red mask stood over me today when finished as if searching for something. I just turned my head unable to look anymore. Before leaving he took my face in his hands, nodded once and waved good bye.


I am currently sitting with my back against the wall watching Laila.

She is walking around the cell like always (Laila insists on walking what she thinks is for half the day. She says that it makes her feel less trapped.)

She is telling me a story about falling out of a tree when she was little, and how ever since then her brother Solomon has always been there to protect her.

She tells stories almost constantly, they are always about her family, friends, husband, and her favorite legends. I think that her story today comes from her trying to reassure herself that he will save her again.

She overheard the guards talking about the master being finished with the girls in the cell earlier today. I still have no idea how she could hear them talking because I was right beside her when she did but she swears that's what they said.

Ever since then she has not shut up but I do not mind. I like her feeling the room with noice, sometimes it helps block out my own dark thoughts that seem to consume my mind.

Suddenly she stops walking, perking up like a dog she shifts her head to the side almost like she is listening again. Looking at me a large wolf like smile grows on her face.

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