Slow Dance And Romance

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The movie was amazing! I cannot believe Kylo Ren killed Han Solo! Talk about not liking your father. Me and Ty took some cute pictures together. One of my favorites was when he gave me a piggy back ride.  Ryan met up with her boyfriend, Ethan. Then, Ty took me by the hand and we walked over to a group of people and photographers. I froze as i realized who the people were...THE CAST OF THE MOVIE! Im internally freaking out! " Hello! ah you must be Ty Simpkins and this is?.." asks a beautiful woman with a remarkable accent, who i recognized as Daisy Ridley. "I'm Skylar. Skylar Jennings" i say holding out a hand. Ty smiles watching me as im very starstruck. I took pictures with Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Adam Driver, John  Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Carrie Fisher and all the others. After the movie premiere we decided to go eat somewhere. We decided to eat at Dexter's Diner. It's 1950's themed. Me and Ty sat in our own booth near the jukebox. 

" Let's Order!" Ty said obviously starving. I was still in shock from meeting all those celebrities. Obviously for Ty this was pretty normal. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back feeling my cheeks get hot. Being around  him was different. I was always happy. It's just an incredible feeling. I ordered a cheeseburger, some fries and a chocolate milkshake. (SO HEALTHY! (: ) " I'll remember that for our next date here..." Ty said with a stupid smile on his face. "Oh! So there is going to be a next time?" I say giggling. He started laughing. We talked about the movie and how close our middle school promotion was. After a while of talking, we stayed in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a comfortable silence. " Skylar..Come sit next to me. Yea?" He asks in a low voice. "Um..sure" I say making my over to him. I sit next to him and he puts his arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on his shoulder. I could stay like this forever. His smell is intoxicating and it just smells so good.... A couple minutes later Love Me by Elvis Presley starts playing. " Do you want to go dance?" He asks. "Yea", I simply reply with a small smile.. He puts his arms around my waist as he pulls me closer and I put my arms around his neck. The butterflies in my stomach don't lie. I really like him. I notice he looks at my lips he starts leaning in until finally we kiss. It was a sweet kiss. It was as if he was reassuring me that everything would be fine. Ah the fireworks. I feel something with him that I could never have with Ryder... In that moment me and Ty shared, I felt as if we were the only ones on this planet. It was as if time had stopped. " Skylar.." He says breaking away from the kiss and leaning his forehead on mine. I look up and meet his eyes. He caresses my cheek. " I want you to know that im completely in love with you...and i.." he trails off as I interrupt him , " I love you too" I say softly. I just want to kiss him again. He kisses me again but this time it's shorter but just as sweet. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks. "Of course Ty!" I respond absolutely  beaming .  " I don't mean to interrupt your little moment here... But ,We should get going.." Ryan says. We walk out the Diner hand in hand. And I knew...I was with the right person..

I was with the right person

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HELLO? Sorry I lagged with the update. But, as you can tell I'm sorta kinda hopelessly lovesick...  I am writing more stories so it's been kinda hard to keep up. But nevertheless I updated! If you have any ideas for future stories please let me know! Oh! And are we forgetting about Juliana? hm...well not quite (;

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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