Chapter 18

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I study my face in the mirror finding brown eyes, bit too big for my small oval shaped face. 

Mom grounded me. If I had any doubt on the way home, when all five of us piled into Novahk's car then and she cuddled me the whole time keeping me under her shawl, the moment Novahk's dad dropped us on our curb, my mom lost it.

"You're never going out again. Without telling me at least." And what about the things you didn't tell me? I want to ask her.

Since I have never been grounded before, I don't understand if the warning qualifies as grounding o just that grounding. But after the stunt I pulled yesterday which sane parents wouldn't do what my mom did. Dad was angry at me, whenever he used to be displeased with me before when I was younger, he didn't talk to me for days and then when he snapped out of it, he would come round bringing gifts or chocolates or something. I knew staying below would just be making an even bigger scene so I went to bed without complaining.

Now as I brush my hair, my stomach lets out a small growl. The last thing I ate yesterday, I don't even remember. Putting my hair comfortably up, I walk to my window hoping to see if Novahk is up. His window is open but he's not in the room and neither is Slappy.

I wonder how it will be like the next time we meet. Awkward? Most definitely awkward. What do people do when they have shared a kiss like that. Talk it out, let their feelings in the open. What are my feelings exactly? And what about Novahk? He kissed me first so there should be something there.

Ugh! Too many question, I need coffee to think clearly about this.

Downstairs my mom and dad are sitting on the same side of the round table, that haven't done in ages and whenever dad stays here he always has to fix his breakfast but today his plate is piled with bacon and sandwich as he looks into some official looking documents.

"Is it possible that Dr Phillipa will be able to see me?" Mom looks up from her breakfast surprised at my opening lines.

"Is it about yesterday?"

"Maybe." If they can be evasive, so can I.

Mom looks wary. "Look Krishna I don't know what you were doing in Wilmington. You told me there was a party. How did you fail to mention it was in Wilmington?"

"I didn't. You didn't ask me specifically," I say my temper on a fray. How can she talk to me like that? Does she not have any sort of conscious, lying to her only daughter.

"Young lady," my dad speaks up sitting his paper down on the table. "Don't use that tone with us."

"I am not," I reply tightly, stabbing one of the bacon with my fork. "I just went to a party last night."

"A party? It was a club for god's sake. And how the hell did you even get into it. Do you have some sort of a fake ID I should be worried about?"

"They don't see this stuff at the entrance. Any ID does the trick. They barely see the picture," I lie. I don't want Novahk to be in any sort of trouble due to me.

"Really?" my dad is thoughtful, probably trying to come up with a lawsuit against the clubs. I am tempted to mention the name of Zacharia's to him. Kevin really needs his shit straightened.

"Whatever it is," my mom begins again. "you were in Wilmington. That's an hour away. Do you know what that means? What kind of danger you could have been around drunken people?"

"That's why I took Novahk with me," I pointed out.

"He's just a boy. Did he have anything do why you were in Wilmington in the first palce?" she asks. My mom never talks to me in such a voice.

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