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They slowly got out of the car and walked towards the garage.

"So do we go in guns blazing?" Cupid asked.

"No, follow my lead"

Cupid nodded.

As they entered the garage all eyes turned towards them.

"Where is Cypher?" Lawson said loudly.

"Who wants to know?" someone in the garage asked in response.

"An old friend"

"You'll be a dead friend if you don't leave right now," a brawny man said as he walked towards them.

Lawson's was already on his gun.

"No need for that Graham, I don't want him dead yet," an average height, wiry man with a wide smile said.

"Cypher. It's been a while," Lawson said almost expressionless.

: "Get over here," Cypher motioned to him.

He and Cupid walked over, cautiously eyeing everyone.

Cypher pulled him in for a hug and whispered something in his ear in Russian.

"We need your help," Lawton said.

"And who's we?"

"I'm...." Cupid started to say but was interrupted.

"This is Cupid, a friend of mine." Lawton quickly said.

"And what is it that you need help with?" Cypher asked.

"We need help in locating a target, and you're the best I know."

Cypher thought for a moment, " I'm sorry old friend, but I can't help you."

Lawton clenched his jaw, "What?!"

"We've known each other a long time, you're like a brother to me, but, I cannot help you this time around."

Lawton pulled out his gun and put it to Cypher's head in a second, "You don't have a choice this time around, old friend."

Men all around picked up tools of all sorts and began inching towards them. Cupid took out a throwing knife and eyed them feverishly.

Lawton looked around and began calculating their odds.

"If you leave now, I promise you will go safely, but if you do anything stupid I cannot guarantee your safety."

Lawton cocked the gun, "A promise is a comfort to a fool."

The men inched closer, and Lawton could hear Cupid mumbling something behind

"даю слово" Cypher said.

Lawton looked him in the eyes, then uncocked his gun.

"Let's go, Cupid," he said and began walking backwards towards the entrance, his gun still on Cypher. When he reached outside he lowered it.

"I honestly thought you were gonna kill him," Cupid said.

"I didn't know you get scared."

"I never said I was afraid," she said, firmly. "What do we do now?"

"Now, we wait."


"When he pulled me in for the hug he said 'Make it look good, wait around the block after', so everything after that was just an act."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," he gunned the engine.

"So what was that he said to before we left, the thing in German."

Deadshot: New life ( Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now