Who called the morgue

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Before Lilly's Dead

"Zoey, I love you so very much, and you deserve so much more," Lawton said to his daughter, as tears escaped his eyes

"I'm not the father you deserve" he continued " but I will never let anyone or anything hurt you again"

"Don't tell me that your leaving, the only way to keep me save is to stay."

"I can't do that, trouble follows me everywhere i go,the only way to protect you is to watch from the shadows,"

"Things don't work like that, its your choice" zoey shouted with tears streaming down her face.

" with me in your life there will always be danger and I don't want that for you. So stay with your mother, have a happy life

"we all saw your kiss, you could be happy too"

He held her in a warm embrace for a few minutes, then collected himself and got up and left.


*beep beep *

Lawton slowly wakes up and picks up the phone, "It's the middle of the night, who is this and what you want?"

"It's Cy and it's morning. I hate to be the one to tell you this bud, but Lily is dead. Zoey found her in her room, she was murdered...... Floyd? Lawton?"

Lawton was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He tried to process what he'd just been told.

"Where's Zoey?" Lawton asked.

"She's at the hospital, with the police. I tried to see her but they wouldn't allow it."

"I'm on my way."

Lawton hung up the phone and hurled at the wall with rage. Lily had been murdered, he still couldn't believe.

He got dressed and half-ran out of his motel room.


Lawton drove like a mad man, running a few red lights in the process.
Once he got to the hospital, he ran to the information desk.

"Where is she?!"

"Who sir?" The nurse squeaked, frightened by his sudden arrival and tone.

He noticed and tried to calm down, "I'm sorry, my daughter Zoey Lawton."

The nurse's face lit up, "Oh, her, she's in room 543 with a paramedic....it's down the hall and around the corner."

Lawton ran off again, following her directions and arriving at the door in less than a minute.
He burst the door open to see Zoey, and beside her a female paramedic.

"Zoey, are you ok?" he asked as he approached her.

She looked at him and then hugged him as a tear streamed down her face.

"She hasn't spoken since we found her," the paramedic said to Lawton.

He pulled her away and looked into her eyes, "Zoey, what's wrong?"

She didn't speak.

"What's wrong with her?" Lawton asked the paramedic.

"Finding her mother dead must've been very traumatic for her, she's probably suffering from withdrawal, I don't know, I'd let her see a therapist."

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