Running Game

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Lawton barely had time to duck when this assassin swiftly threw a pair of daggers his way. For a moment the dripping blood from his forehead shadowed his vision. The guy was good
Lawton observed , not just relaying on his gun to get the job done. At the sight of the next one lawton rushed over to the tool shed for cover.

Out of no where machine gun fire came at  the tool shed and a bullet grazed Lawton's left shoulder. He grit his teeth and ran full on for the garage office. There was an explosion behind him and  soon enough his hearing decreased. Lawton placed his hand to his ear and felt blood. He made it into the office and pulled his gun.

Lawton couldn't hear if the guy were coming or not. He looked around the garage for tools. He had to think fast. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow approaching. He only had 12 rounds and he couldn't waste them.

With a burst of speed he ran over to a work table and grabbed a wrench then immediately threw it at the guy, barely turning around. The wrench connected to the men's head and he fell instantly.

He heard two guys shouting which made him realize His hearing was slowly returning though it was a more of a whisper at the moment. He took up two screwdrivers that had fallen on the ground and tried to identity where the voices had come from. Once he thought he got a lock on the location. He stood up painfully and threw the screwdrivers like arrows straight into their hearts.

He then grabbed an axe and ran back to the desk. As a man entered , he slammed the axe to his chest but he didn't  fall instead he hold his gun to lawton. Before he could fire a shot , lawton grabbed the gun from His hands and shot him with it. He tried to remove the axe from the men's chest but it was stuck.

Then another man came running at   lawton and pointed his gun to him. Lawton didn't hesitate, he threw the axe along with the man, at the other man and the shots connected with the men who had an axe in his chest. Lawton then fired two shots at the one shooting, entering his heart through the other guy's shoulder.

Just then two more guys rushed in and lawton discovered the gun was out of bullets. He three the gun at one of the men's head who fell but the other guy began shooting. Lawton ran behind a work table , but felt his legs bleeding. He sat on the floor and pulled his gun from his waist and waited for the guy to come at him.

He then heard the guy fell. He looked he quickly and meet eyes with cupid who winked at him then quickly hid behind a table as shots flew where she previously was standing. He heard a guy walking up towards then, he put he gun aimed and fired sending a bullet straight to his head.

There were movement close to them, he aimed his gun at cupid's face her eyes staring at him. The intruder came to her side and as he signal for her to duck he shot the man that had already pulled his gun in the chest and head. He put his gun down and she got up and stretched a hand to him.

"Come on" she said
He grabbed her hand and she pulled him up. He wrapped his left hand over her shoulder and carries the gun in his right.


As cypher slowly came into conscience and let out a sigh of relief when a cold damp clothe  lay on his forehead. His expression soon change when he saw the state of the garage. Gun shots pierced the walls, tools disarranged from their normal resting place slowly becoming stained as blood crept along the floor to give the ground it's own shade of red. Light blubs laid lazily hanging from the ceiling still shaking from the turmoil.

"How are we are gonna pay to fix all this"

"It food to see that your all UN one piece" Cupid said

"But my shop isn't " he replied

"We'll worry about that later, glad to see your alright "

"Never been better, but the garage !" He exclaimed

"We all help with the clean up right after we torch the dead bodies"

"Where's Lawton ? I almost die and he gone "

"Zoey "

"What about zoey ? " asked

"He been paranoid that the assassin might come back so he went to get her"


Lawton came out of the  Dr. Quinn's office with zoey in His arms and the voice of Harley screaming  at  him. He sped to Lily's house and once they arrived he preceded to her room to pack. He packed only essentials while zoey sat in silence on the bed. As lawton shut the bathroom cabinet door he caught a reflection of zoey grief stricken face.

"Hey there princess " he said as he approached her

"I know, mommy's not going to be here right now but I'm gonna need you to be strong " he said kneeing down.
He lightly brushed her hair to one side to get a better look at her face. Sadness personified it's presence on zoey. Her eyes were swollen , red and her checks had a light glow that only showed when  someone was crying a lot.

"And that means" he continued " talking to me"

Zoey just stared at him and in that moment he wish he wished Lilly was alive. He could not do this. Be a father to zoey. Raising money to secure her future was the only fatherly thing he had ever done. The next right thing for him to do right now is to keep moving.  Still now here a peep from zoey lawton pick her up in his arms and hurdle the snapsack over his shoulder and proceed to leave. Not knowing where exactly but that hr number one aim as a father right now was to keep zoey save.

Once they got into the car, lawton drove at moderate pace only stopping for snack and fuel for the car. They pulled up on a motel pitched against highway. Night had fallen and as he pulled over he notice the place seemed empty aside for a few stoner near a lite trash can. The place felt like a ghost town. A perfect hideout until morning where they would continue their journey. Beside him in the passenger seat zoey has managed to drift off in a deep sleep unaware that lawton was now taking her out of the car.

He check them into a room and stay up watching the door while zoey sleep. Lawton drew his gun when he years a knock at his room door. He eyed zoey and then cautiously slipped off the bed and went to the door. The knocking didn't stop and as he peeped through the hole.
He blew a  sigh of relief and anger spears across his face.

"Cy what are you and Cupid doing here "

"Well hello to you too lover boy " Cupid said some what offended by his short welcome.

"We're here to talk to you "

" How did you even find me "

"Oh please i place a tracker on all my friends"

"That's creepy " said Cupid

" it's called being safe "

"It's called being a stalker "

"How did you thing i found him by air express "

"I'm not talking..."

"Both of you shut up ! Zoey 's sleeping "

" I'm sorry "said cypher

"Now what do you want "

"How about telling us why you got so paranoid and left the shoot out at my garage, you know about all that mess you left behind "

"There's nothing much to say , after thinking about what happen i thought about zoey . her kidnapping, Lilly's dead and now this attempt on my life will only make things worst and i cant let that happen. I cant stay and fight and run the risk that one of these SICK SONS OF BITCHES  might hurt my little girl. "

"Your telling me your just going to leave, not stay and fight, your Deadshot for heaven sake "

"And what has that  ever gotten me, I can't live reckless like in the past whenever i went on job i always tried to go out with a bang, not caring if i died but that little girl in there has become a new motivation for me. To live long enough to secure her future and now that I'm the only one she has, Deadshot is dead"

"Come on, you don't mean that " cupid asked

Lawton proceeded back to his room came out with a bag.
"You see this, this is my suit"
Soon after lawton held the bag firmly and threw it as fast as he could.

"Like i said Deadshot is dead now leave before i shut the door in your face "

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