Twelfth Night

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After a few weeks of Lawton getting odd jobs so he can provide for Zoey he receives a surprising call.

"Hello?" Lawton says into the phone.

"Lawton, it's Cy, I need your help, it's important."

"I told you, I'm done."

"There's money involved, more than you're making at that diner you're working at."

Lawton grunted. "Fine. But it has to be legal and when I see you, you're taking this tracker out."

Cypher chuckled. "Sure old friend, I'll meet you at the diner tomorrow around 12."


Lawton hung up the phone and then looked at the clock and realized his shift was over.

"Hey boss, I'm clocking out." He said to his manager.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Lawton." The manager said.

Lawton then went and took off his apron and picked up his jacket and left.

He arrived at his new apartment in about 5 minutes. He had spared his nose and withdrew money out of zoey account to pay the rent for the apartment for a few months, clothes and food. The rest was left for zoey's college fund, something he was not gonna put his hands on. Which make the odds job he was talking would pay the bills and allowed them to survive barely. The extra cash wouldn't be a bad thing so going to see cypher was the next best thing. Once he got in threw his jacket on the rack and went to the mini fridge to get a bar.

"Daddy!" he heard Zoey call out as he let himself in. Hearing her voice was a wonderful thing for him. Ever since he told these odd jobs from the temp agency , zoey would wait for him before going to bed. Slowly she starting saying small words. Words like 'thank you' after lunch and dinner then soon enough 'stay ' and then the best words he could have ever heard 'Daddy'

"Hey pumpkin." He said as he took her in his arms and give a silent hello to her babysitter, a high school senior.

Lawton then gave her a $20 and she told Zoey goodbye.

Lawton then remembered his meeting with Cypher the next day.

"Miranda, wait." He called after her.

"Yea Mr. Lawton?"

"Tomorrow I may be delayed. Is that okay?"

"Yea, that's fine Mr. Lawton."

"Thanks Miranda"

He waved to her as she left then went back to his daughter.
He ran and began tickling her on the couch, she laughed uncontrollably. He was really happy with how she'd change over the weeks, she was talking to him and she seemed happy again and he was sure Miranda was helping with that, he just wished there was a womanly presence around the house more often than just a few hours a day.
He made dinner while she watched tv then they had dinner together and he put her to bed.
He slept well that night but kept having dreams of being arrested for brutal murders.

The next day Cypher came into the diner at exactly 12pm.
Luckily there was no one in the diner so Lawton went over to him and sat down.

"Hey." Lawton greeted.

"Hey, how's your pie?"

"Get to the point Cy."

"Okay, so there's this detective who's been to paying me to help him with some cases. I've been helping him for a while to fix the garage, but this case needs your help."


Cypher took out some photos and placed them on the table.
"The unknown murderer is killing persons with guns like yours, he's even using your style."

"What?!" Lawton said, growing more serious as he looks at the photos.

"Yeah, and that's not even the worst part."

Lawton looked at him with expectation.

"There are witnesses who describe someone looking like you being at the scenes."

Lawton slammed his hand on the table.

"What we need to do is to go back to empire city and solve this."

"You've heard what I've said I'm not going back."

"You have to, how long will it before persons start suspecting that Deadshot is alive and killing and rain down hell to find you, killing anyone and everyone until they find you. I'm sure you don't want them to find you and come after zoey."

"We will just keep moving "

"You really just gonna run, have you gotten soft and are you will to right so many lives to stay hidden."

"Okay, fine I'll meet you back in empire city. I'm gonna have to go back my stuff."


Lawton pulled over to the Lilly's house and sat in the car staring a bit. Zoey had become silent on the way back and he wondered if she would become her old self again. He hoped she would not.
Lawton turn around and looked at her "Are you ready to go."

"Are we going to bury mom?"she paused for a moment "Is that what were doing here" she continued

" Honey your mom already buried, we here to help uncle Cypher fix a problem"

"I didn't go to the funeral" zoey said

"Your therapist felt you weren't ready to see her body." He lied on top of running and zoey state he knew they could not attend the funeral.

"How could she decide that"

" Tell you what, later we'll pick up some things from your mother and we have a ceremony just you and me "

"What kind of ceremony,

"one where we celebrated her life and say our farewells "

"Okay, yea I'd like that."

They got out of the car and went into the house. While zoey casually when into her room like she had never left. Lawton dialed a baby sitter service for zoey, once he was sure everything was safe. He hopped into his car and when to meet up with cypher.

"Okay I'm here" he said to cypher once he got into the garage.

"Here we go lawton" he said shoving files across the desk to lawton.

He took the files and examined them. There was no doubt about it, it looked like he did it from what he could tell from the photos. They were surveillance cut photos that showed him or what appears to be him walking away from murders that had precision in every kill.

He grunted and looked at cypher
"It definitely looks like i did it "

"But we know you didn't "

"Your right there , so let's go find that son of a bitch and put him to rest."

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