Trouble For All

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In the midst of the eerily still night air, screams of pain rang through the alley. Music blaring from the nightclub nearby drowned out the screams, mixing them with Hardcore Metallic Rock. Blood splattered across the walls and pavement and a loud thump to the floor signified the death of another victim. Through the sniper rifle he watched to see if signs of movement were evident.

A smile spread across his face when he saw that blood was the only thing that was moving, dying his victim's hair as it trickled across the pavement. The sniper laid back against the wall on the roof, digging into his pocket for a piece of paper and a pencil. He scribbled on the 'Job Done' paper and then continued looking.

Soon enough more screams rang in his ears as he saw persons came to a halt when they saw the dead body. With quick speed he jumped up, packed away his gun and left.

"Kill Zone strikes again" he said as he ran down the stairs.


In the early hours of the morning, Cypher pulled over at the side of the road. He and Lawton got out of the car and headed towards the crime scene they were called to. Bystanders all around watched in horror as they saw coroners move a body towards the ambulance.

A couple of teens had their phones out, recording the aftermath of what had happened. Pushing his way through the crowd, Cypher signaled for Lawton to follow. After whispering something to the police officer charged with securing the scene, they both got clearance to proceed.

Once they were under the yellow tape, they went up the alley, closer to the actual crime scene. Busybody policemen moved with quick precision as some took photos while others observed the scene and wrote in notepads.

"Kevin!" Cypher called out to a police officer. "Follow my lead Floyd, I'll deal with him." Cypher said to Lawton before the officer came into earshot.

"Hey there D-Cypher, my man, what do you have for me?" Kevin said.

"Nothing yet."

"I thought you said you have something good. Showing up empty handed isn't what you're being paid for." Kevin tried to whisper, but was loud enough to be heard by anyone a few inches away.

"He has me." Lawton said.

"And who would you be?"

"You can call me Lawton, I'm a private investigator and the killer you're looking for is one I have studied for most of my career."

"Is that so? D-Cypher, you been holding out on me?"

"He's my new partner for the moment."

"Nice to meet you." Kevin said extending his hand for a handshake.

"I'm gonna need all you have on that killer if you want to make a break in your case."

"It doesn't work like that Mr. Lawton, I can't just hand out case files to you."

"From what my friend tells me, he's been doing all the dirty work to solve all your cases, I'm sure you could give us a quick look."

Kevin looked at Lawton, considering what to do. Finally he said, "Okay, come over to my car."

They gathered at Kevin's cop car as he placed a file in front of them.

"Okay, this is what we know. He's killed 4 persons so far. The fourth being our latest female victim. He appears to be an expert marksmen, someone with military training. He leaves no evidence behind and we have no suspects so far."

"Tell us about the latest victim."

"Female in her late 20's. Name on her driver's license is Ariel Gilbert. Other identification says she's a tech support aid for Apple."

"What's her address ? "

"42 Larton Drive, Lot 35."

"Okay 20 minutes, that's all we need."


Once Lawton and Cypher got the address, they drove over to the latest victim's house. Her house was a duplicate of all the other houses on the block, but with a coral green door that distinguished itself from all the rest. They headed towards the front door to gain access to her house. After a few thrusts and attempts to open the door they realized it wouldn't budge. Cypher looked both ways to see if any neighbors were passing by. Once the coast was clear. He broke the glass with his elbow and opened the door from within.

They slowly tracked around the house, searching through everything. Lawton moved upstair while Cypher took care of downstairs. The bedroom of the victim boasted a red stylish decor with pictures on the wall of the dead girl, a smile spread across her face.

Lawton scanned the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He approached the treasure trunk at the end of the bed. Once he managed to break off the lock, Lawton opened the chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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