Assassination Attempt

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Carrie walked along the corridors and made her way into A.R.G.U.S. Not a place she wanted to be at a time like this. But when Amanda waller barked you come running. Stopping at the entrance she removed her bow and arrows stood with her hands up for a security guard to search her. He proceeded to search her for any and all weapons. That of course meant he would remove her pocket knife, her glock and her blades at the bottom of her shoe.

After fully searching her and seeing no more weapon he allowed her to step into the elevator. The humming sound she always hear once she punched the floor number drained out every other sound as she went down a few levels. The tune of death she now called it played until the elevator came to a stop.

Amanda waller had her life in the palm of her hand and that's all she thought about as she went forward.

Once she was in front of Waller office she knocked a few times before hearing the stern voice of her employer allowing her access.

  The room wasn't as evil as the occupant, it had a rather mild touch of home with light brown leather couches and  with paintings on each side of the room. The floor has brown floor mats that spread across to each couch. It wouldn't  take anyone much time to figure out that it was done by an interior designer. At her desk feverishly working on a files Carrie saw waller.

"I've been waiting for you to sit for about two minutes now." She heard Amanda say

" i didn't think you were paying me any attention "

"Unlike you i can multi task, now please sit " she gestured toward the chair in front of her desk. This time removing herself from her work and directing all her attention to Carrie.

"Don't mind if i do " Carrie muttered

"Now where are we with Deadshot "

" He was suspicious at first but eventually he allowed me to come with him "

"And "

" We found his daughter "

"Like i knew you would " .

"Did you take zoey ? "

"I'm sure you must be aware on which side of the table you are, besides  you've already found the culprit- Henry wasn't that his name"

"How did you know that " Carrie gave a look of suspicion.

"I make it a priority to know my enemies."

"What about his wife, Lilly- that's her name"

"What about Lilly? "

"Don't play stupid with me , did you kill her"

"You seem to constantly forget whose in charge her. Remember who has button for that little switch that's in your head"

"You don't have to remind me, but i got a called from his friend and he told she die but I'm not sure how  "

"Then why jump to conclusions"

"I can't help but feel that you're connected to all of this"

"Well that's one of the reasons I'm sending you back in,  On to the next phase of my plan"

she continued "  you are going to go back to deadshot and help him grief over the loss of his dead wife and become what ever he needs you to be."

" What exactly are you getting at "

" These are my orders until further notice, you can close the door on your way out"


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