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" Maybe i am but , there a bomb here, shoot me and we'll all be dead"

The room grew in silent only an occasion murmur from zoey escape her deep sleep.

" Tell you what, Ginger sticks take the young one and leave, lets make the grown ups finish this."

Lawton signalled for Cupid to go and get her. She preceded cautious at first to see who's gun might flinched. Once he showed no resistance to her taking zoey she knew he meant what he said. But if he meant that , then maybe the bomb is real. Holding zoey in her hands the way any parent would cupid made her way back to lawton. He gave his daughter a kiss on her forehead and said to cupid " If i don't make it out alive get her back to her mother"

"You will"

With that said cupid made her way out side. Leaning against the door as first relieve that lawton daughter was safe and then just trying to hear the out come of all that had happen in a couple days. The cold wind against her skin reminded her that she had to get zoey to safe.
She ran down the way she and lawton came passing the guards that laid on the floor. Their clothes now drenched in blood and sewage water.
Once she got to the mental leader that led upward, cupid knew she came to a dead stop. She couldn't climb up with Zoey in her hands. She would have to wake her and hope that she was strong enough to climb up.

Cupid pondered on the idea of waking her versus the idea of going back to get lawton for help. The thoughts stopped abruptly by the sound of a gun shot. One at first and then two more followed immediately after the next. The noise rang in her head and at the same time awoke zoey.

" hey there sweetie, no need to be scared your father told me to get you to safety"

Questions suddenly rushed from zoey's lips as soon as she regained her voice " who are you....are you the police....how did you find me...wait what!?...what do you mean my father...he's dead"

"Okay, i can see your confused, let me answer your questions:

"My name is Carrie, Carrie cutter"

"Not anymore"

" A friend of your dad that goes by the name cypher"

"Your father is very much alive and came here to save you"

There was no response for a while and cupid didn't push for any. She was too focused on who died at the moment. Was it lawton or that pesky kid who orchestrated all of this. When zoey was finally ready to talk, cupid put her down and covered her mouth. She then slowly inched towards the shadowy area and watched to see who emerge from the room. Cupid continue waiting for a while until it happen. The door slung opened with a timid creaking that didn't go on for too long. Soon after a figure appear out of no where, stumbling around and his feet unable to get a steady footing. He then fell on the ground and out came someone else. Someone with a gun aimed directly at their enemy who was now on the ground. Cupid hardly could make out who was there and if it was lawton who was lucky enough to get the upper hand now meant they were okay.

********************************* Cypher's van drove out from the shrubbery it was Hid behind during the rescue mission. Cypher drove as fast as he could to get back to Empire city, occasionally glancing into the mirror to see if he was being followed. It been Years since he got into an operation like that, it was exciting. The little job that feed was errands for a cop friends, not a grab and go. It felt like old time with him and Floyd , when they were back in Russia. As he reminisced on his past, it was hard to believe that Floyd had a daughter a 12 years old to be exact. A brunette doll like replica of lilly. She was fast asleep in lawton's lap. Their first interaction in years were kind of comical. She didnt cry or hug him, she instead slapped him and asked where has he been and then started crying and hugging him. Now she was sounded asleep in his lap on her way back to her mother. This could be considered a job well done. Everyone is happy even Cupid. It was obvious to him that she liked lawton a lot but how many woman in today's modernized world is willing to go to war to save a guy daughter. There is something good there but wrapped up in something dark.

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