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Lawton and Cypher had searched his daughter's room for about an hour and had only found a few fingerprints.
"I'll scan these right now," Cypher said.
"As in right now?"
"That's generally what the statement means," Cypher said as he pulled out a small laptop from his backpack.
"On that thing?"
"She may not look like much but she's powerful," Cypher said as he attached an ultraviolet scanner to the laptop's usb port.
"Made that yourself?"
Cypher smiled, "Of course I did."
He then scanned the first fingerprints and within a minute a photo of the prints' owner appeared on the screen.
It was Lawton's daughter's prints. Lawton clenched his jaw at the sight of the photo.
"Well that one's hers, there were two more," Cypher said.
He scanned the second set and it was revealed to be her mother's.
He then scanned the third and a photo of a young man came up.
"Who is that?"
"Gimme a sec," Cypher said as he pressed a few buttons, "that is Miles Tranmor, he goes to school with her, he's never been in trouble with the police but he's not the brightest bulb in the toolshed, they are together in a lot of Facebook posts and photos. I'd say he was her boyfriend.
Lawton punched the wall. "So we have nothing?"
Cypher sighed, "We have nothing."
"We need to search here for clues as to who took her," Cypher spoke up, "then we will find her and bring her back."
"You better, or I swear to God..." she said as she walked away.
Lawton stared at her as she walked away.
"You okay Lawton?" Cypher asked.
"Yeah, where do we start?"
Just then a piece of paper fell from the ceiling and unto Lawton's head, "What's this?"
He and Cypher both looked at it, all that was on it was a number, 51.
They looked up and apparently it had fallen from the ceiling, but they didn't see anything odd about the white paint.
Lawton eyed the ceiling mysteriously, then punched the wall once again. Only a part of the ceiling seemed to move.
"That's odd," Cypher said.
"Yeah," Lawton said as he stepped on a chair and then tried to touch the ceiling, but he was too low. He then jumped and punched it and more of the white cards came tumbling down; all made to match the colour of the ceiling perfectly. He came down in a crouch as they rained around him.
They gathered 5 more cards, each with numbers.
"What could this be?" Lawton asked.
"Coordinates I'm guessing. I'll get the locations."
Cypher typed the numbers into the computer and it stated identifying locations.
After a few minutes all possible locations came up.
"The only location that's close to here is a warehouse up north of Rockhall"
"What are the other places?"
"Many are places in open ocean, one is in Bahamas, two in Africa, one in Russia, and others around the globe."
"Oh, so next stop the warehouse. They obviously think this is a game, but it ends now."
After telling Lily about their lead, he gave her a short hug and followed Cypher out the door. They got in the car and quickly drove off . They barely spoke, which irritated Cupid, who was constantly asking what their next move would be.
"You know, this isn't exactly what a partnership looks like." She pouted.
"I said we're going to a warehouse on Rockhall Avenue." Lawton said impatiently.
"Is that it?"
"That's all we found."

Cupid was about to push for more answers, but decided against it when the car came to a stop. They were now in front of an abandoned warehouse. It seemed unoccupied, appearing to be a house with shattered glass windows and in need of a serious paint job, but Lawton knew that there was more than what meets the eyes. As they got out of the car he motioned for Cypher and Cupid to be quiet, and follow his lead. They creeped up to the warehouse entrance, with Cypher on one side and Lawton and Cupid on the other.
"Here's the plan." He whispered. :"Cupid, check around back and Cypher and I will go out front." They all nodded in agreement. While cupid made her way around the back, Lawton proceeded to kick the door in. They entered from both sides, Lawton pointing his guns to the left and Cypher to the right. They dropped their guns to their waists when they realized that no one was inside the warehouse. Only grates, lots and lots of grates. They keenly checked around the place but came up empty handed. They were about to give up their search when they bumped into Cupid. "You know, I could've killed you both a second ago." She said, rolling her eyes.
"Don't count on it,I'm hard to kill." "Did you find anything?"
"No, nothing around the front. How about you?"
"The back door was padlocked, it took me a while to get in, but so far I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary."
"Why does this feel like another dead end?" Cypher spoke up.
"Come on, let's go before I blow this place up." Lawton said, frustration evident in his voice.
They started to head towards the front when Cypher grabbed Lawton's shoulder and whispered to them, "I think someone's here." "What makes you say that?"
"Over there, there's a shadow behind one of the crates."
"Okay, Cupid block that crate, Cypher says there's someone there." He whispered.
"Like I said before, I think it's a dead end and we should leave." Cypher said more loudly. "Okay, let's do that." Lawton said, catching on to Cypher's plan.
As he finished speaking, he crept up to the grate and got in front of the unknown figure.
"Hey there pal." He said
"There a few questions I would like to ask you."

It didn't take long for Lawton to figure out that this new face didnt plan on staying long. As soon as he bolted, Lawton took off after him.

"Cupid he's coming your way!"

The person wasn't paying attention to Lawton's words was coming directly at cupid. Cupid pulled out one of her arrows and aligned it with her bow, pointing it directly at him. The arrow flew swiftly and knocked the guy back onto some of the grates. Lawton and Cypher arrived on the scene."Nice going Cup.." Cypher said."Let's just hope that you didn't kill him."

"Hey pal, wake up." Lawton said, slapping the guy's face around."That bitch just shot me!" He said, focusing more on his shoulder that looked badly hurt. Lawton slapped him again. "Focus on me, right now or the next one goes in your face, you got that?" He shook his head in response."Who are you and who owns this place?"

" I don't know what you're talking about."

"Is that so?" Cupid asked, kneeling down to join Lawton.

"How about now?" She grabbed the arrow in his shoulder, spinning it slowly.

"Aaaaahhhhh... mm-mmy name is Jjeerry." He said, groaning in pain.

"That's more like it. Next question, who owns this place?"

"I don't know."

"You sure about that?" Cupid asked, proceeding to turn the arrow again."

"Ahhh, son of a bitch! I'm not lying!"

"Then why are you here?"

"I was paid by this man to stay here until a friend of his comes and pick up a package. And judging by the way you're behaving, I don't think you are his friends."

"Where is that package?"

"I can't tell you."

"Are you sure about that?" Cupid asking, reminding him of who held the fate of his life in their hands."Okay, okay! It's in the crate over there."

"Cypher will you get that for me?" Lawton asked.

After going over to the crate, Cypher brought back with him a brown duffle bag. He unwrapped it slowly and pulled out a phone and a envelope. On the envelope was written 'Speed Dial 3'.

"Lawton it's a phone and a message."

Lawton got up and took the phone from Cypher and read the message aloud.

"Speed dial 3, just what the hell is going on."

He speed dialed '3' and waited for the other line to pick up. There was silence for a few minutes then a short crack and a voice,

"Lawton, what took you so long?"

Author's note....
So that was the next installation of deadshot :new live.hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. Since this is i fan fiction that's in the DC world, if there are any characters you would like to see in this story. Hit the comment button and let me know.

As always vote and comment, view and thoughts are appreciated.

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