Chapter 2

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"I'm back! Sorry it took longer than I thought Meagan." I'm assuming, this girl was Heather. "That's alright Heather. Heather, this is my daughter Emily. Emily, Heather." I stood up from my seat on the porch, to greet her. Before I could say anything, Heather embraced me in a giant bear hug. "Oh, Emily! I have heard so many things about you! It's nice to finally meet you!" "You too" I said a little too quietly. Heather slightly frowned at me in understanding, before she turned towards my mother. "C'mon in. I'll show you around." She unlocked the door, and led us into her  house! I swear, when people say houses are bigger on the inside... This one actually counts! "Wow. This is... breathtaking!" I said. I sounded almost as excited as a four year old on Christmas morning. Heather brought us for the tour around the house. The last two stops were our bedrooms. "Meagan, this one if your room. Nothing to extraordinary. Dresser, TV, mirror, connected bathroom.. The essentials"

My mother had all the ordinary things in her bedroom, plus a few extras. Heather was saying how we may want a few days to settle in and get used to this place, so she gave us a few extra...necessities. In her room she had a bed, a dresser, a mirror... but she also had, a huge flat screen, and a connected bathroom.

Turning towards me she said, "Emily, if you'll kindly follow me, I'll lead you to your new room." She started walking, and I followed closely behind. We reached my room, and she let me go look around. She left, leaving me standing in the doorway with a speechless expression scrawled across my face. My room was amazing!! I looked around my room trying to hold back my giant scream of joy. Compared to my old, shoebox room; this room had everything! I had a bed, dresser, and mirror...but also, a connected bathroom, a huge flat screen, a bean bag chair, and a giant lava lamp! Right then, Heather and my mom re-appeared in my room. "How did I do?" I turned around to face them. "I've always wanted a lava lamp! Thank you so much!" "I thought you would like it" Heather said walking towards me. My mom followed behind, and looked around my room. "How come I don't have a lava lamp?" She asked Heather with her puppy dog eyes. Suddenly all three of us burst into laughter. For not wanting to live with someone I've never met... this isn't going to be so bad.

After a good 5 minutes of us all laughing, Heather said out of breath "Dinner will be ready downstairs in about 30 minutes. Come and eat later on." "Okay" My mom and I said in unison.


After my shower, I curled my hair, and put on one of my sundresses. I headed downstairs for dinner, but stopped about halfway down the steps. I looked towards the table. It was him. James. But not just any James, no, it HAS to be the James I bumped into earlier. The one every girl likes. I'm going to be living with the hottest guy in the whole school! I had a sour expression, imagining all the stares I know I'm going to receive, before I continued walking down the last few steps. "Emily, this is my son James. Please, have a seat" She gestured to the empty seat across the table from James. "Hi" James said. He sounded kind of annoyed. We all sat and had dinner, than talked with each other for a while. "So" James looked up at me. "I heard you go to my school? How come I've never seen you around?" "Um..." I looked down at my lap. We're him and Aiden not talking about me when i fell out of the closet? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.. "Hello?" I looked up. "Sorry, um, yea. I go to Jefferson. Your in my biology, math, and english class." "Oh" Oh was all he said. And with that, he got up, and left.

"Sorry about James, sweetie" Heather said to me while I helped with the dishes. "Nah, that's okay. I'm not really known around the school." She simply nodded. "Well, I have an essay due tomorrow, so I'm going to go start that up in my room, if you don't mind." "Okay Hun, your mom and I are going to go to the mall, but we won't be back until tomorrow after lunch." My mother looked me in the eyes. "Will you be okay?" "Yes mom. I'll be fine!" I said with a fake smile on my face. "Alright. Well we best be going then. I'm going to go tell James to leave you alone tonight so you can get your work done." Heather turned and started towards the stairs. After a minute she came back down, with James following behind. "Bye mom, we'll be fine!" We both stood there and waved while our mom's pulled out of the drive way. I started walking away, but James grabbed onto my arm. He spun me around, and pinned me against the nearest wall. I thought to myself, the memories coming back of the first beating from my dad. I was in this exact position. However, a fist didn't punch me in the gut this time. It was the words he spoke to me.

"Listen here, Shadow Girl. I'm having a party tonight while my mom is gone. You are going to stay in your room, and not leave there. Nobody is aloud to know you live here, or that I even know you. Got it?" I nodded. "Good, now go in your room, and don't make a single sound!" With that, he let me go, pulled out his cell phone, and called a bunch of people. Before I could even make it fully up the stairs, the doorbell rang. Wow. That was fast. James turned around, and motioned for me to run. I did what he said, and ran to my room, shutting and locking the door. 20 minutes have gone by and the house was already filled with people from my school. Of course, they were all drinking, and the music was so loud the whole house was vibrating! "Ugh!" I threw my hands up in the air. How am I supposed to concentrate with the house so loud, and the smell of alcohol burning my nose.

Opening my laptop, I began to type my essay. After I was about halfway done, I lost all focus and concentration. I decided it would be best if I didn't try to burn my brain cells thinking of what to write when I couldn't focus on what I was actually writing. Slowly, I closed my laptop and checked the time. It was 11:30, and the house still sounded like there was at least 100 people still here. I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed my pj's. I walked to my bathroom, got changed and climbed into bed. Turning off the light, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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