Chapter 13

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7 years later


"Mom! Mom! Wake up, its time for school!" I slowly woke up to the feel of my little girl jumping on our bed. It's been seven years, since James and I were married, and we have a five year old daughter, who had been anxiously waiting for school to begin; as well as a 2 year old son. I got up out of bed, nudging James on the arm. "Wake up, we have to get Elizabeth ready for school." I got up and grabbed Elizabeth by the hand as I lead her downstairs for breakfast. About 5 minutes after, Elizabeth was already eating her cereal, and James came downstairs with Brandon in his arms.

It was now, eight o'clock, and James had to head out to work. He walked upstairs to quickly get changed, as I got Elizabeth ready for school and Brandon ready for daycare. James came back downstairs, and gave me a quick kiss at the front door. "Bye kids! Have a good day!'' Both kids ran up to him and gave him a hug, before he left closing the door behind him. "Bye honey, love you." I heard him start the car and drive off.

I grabbed my car keys and the two kids and headed out the door locking it. The kids climbed into their seats, and I buckled on Brandon in his booster seat. I drove off dropping Brandon off first. We reached the school, and I got out of the car with Elizabeth to drop her off. We reached the door, and I gave her a hug goodbye. "Goodbye Mommy. I love you." She grabbed her backpack putting it on, and walked into her classroom with her head up proud. I can never be so proud to have the best children and husband in the world, and I would most defiantly never trade them for anything else.

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