Chapter 6

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"AHHH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs! When we got to the theatre, the boys bought tickets for a scary movie. I didn't tell them I was scared because, well... I was scared. I started shivering, and burried my face in the side of Aiden's chest. "Calm down, its just a movie." He soothed into my ear. I slowly looked up at the screen. A little girl about 6 was walking towards us with a knife in her hand. She looked like she was possessed. I couldn't take this anymore. This is way too scary for my standards. I hid my face from the screen for the rest o the movie. Although, it seemed almost twice as scary when you could only hear the noises in the background. Whent he credits started rolling, Aiden shook me so we could get up and leave. "Ah!" I jumped up out of my seat. "Chillax, it was only Aiden." "Don't ever do that again!" "We wouldn't have brought you if we knew you were so easily scared!" "Whatever. Let's just go home."

We all walked out of the theatre laughing at how scared I was during the movie. As soon as James' car was in sight, Aiden ran to the door. "SHOTGUN!" I shook my head laughing, at how incredibly stupid he looked. Although.. I would have to admit. It's a good looking stupid. Shaking out of my thoughts, we reached the car and I climbed into the back seat. The boys were snickering about something in the front, but I couldn't hear them. We pulled into another parking lot. I looked around, and there was no body else here. "Guys? Where are we?" I looked towards the front seats. They weren't there. I heard the doors slam, but no body was around."James? Aiden?" I started panicking. Where could they have gone? There's no where out here besides us! I heard a faint voice, and saw a shadow coming towards the car from the alley way not to far ahead. Not knowing what to do, I screamed at the top of my lungs, and jumped out of the car.

Laughing. All I heard was laughing, as I softly cried deeply into my chest. "This is it. This is the day I die" The laughing came closer, and closer. I screamed. "You already took James and Aiden! What do you want from me!?" Soon, the shadow's from the alley, and the voice of the laughing came into sight. "I'm going to hurt you two if it's the last thing I do!" I can't believe it. James and Aiden scared me half to death! I was sure I wouldn't be able to say bye to Cloe or my mom. Aiden came closer, and saw I was crying. "Oh! Em! We didn't mean to make you cry! we just wanted to scare you a bit." The first thing I did was punch him. "I guess I deserved that" he said while rubbing the on coming bruise. James came over and laughed even harder at me. "Dude! Have a heart!" Aiden smacked him upside the head, as he helped me up and lead me back to the car with his arm around mine.

We continued the slow drive home, this time actually going home. By the time we got back it was nearly midnight, but it didn't matter much since it was a Friday and thankfully there's no school on a Saturday. This also meant the Aiden would be allowed to sleep over. The boys sat on the couch, and I went upstairs to change. When I came back down, Aiden was already past out, and James was just watching tv. Joining him, I sat down on the empty seat beside him. I don't know what show was on, but it was very entertaining. When a commerical came on, James turned towards me. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure. Anything" At this time, I turned to face James so he could ask whatever it was to my face.

"Do you like Aiden?" I looked at his sleeping body and smiled. "Well, yeah. I mean, he's hilarious and super nice! He's like a really good brother to me and-" James just looked confused. "Oh- wait. Did you mean like.. like like?" He scratched the back of his head. "Um, well yeah." "Oh. No, actually. He's too much of a brother to me." "Oh, Alright" All he did was smile, and got up. I got up as well, and we both lied Aiden down, and gave him a blanket. "Well, I think i'm going to bed." I started walking towards the steps with James following behind me. I walked into my room, James right on my heels. As James entered my room he closed the door. I turned around and looked at him. "You didn't let me finish" he said staring at the floor, while fidgeting with his hands. "Um, can we continue this tomorrow? It's 12:30 and i'm really tired" Ending this with a yawn, I climbed into bed. "Sure. Goodnight." With that, James turned off the light, and left for his own room. I fell asleep with James in my mind, wondering what he was going to ask, and why he thought I liked Aiden.

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