Chapter 8

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"Hello?" "Yea, she's in the living room" He then paused and didn't talk for at least 5 minutes. Aiden was probably telling him a story, but one things for sure. I now know they are most definately talking about me considering i'm the only person home other than James himself. He started to slowly turn my way, and I hid around the nearest corner. After about a minute, I heard him say "No, she's not listening. I think she went up to her room because she isn't in the living room anymore." "Okay, fine. I'll go check." With that I dashed up the stairs to my room, and quickly opened my laptop. Right when my facebook page stopped loading, James came in the room. I turned on my desk chair.

"Hello. Who's on the phone?" "It's Aiden." "Oh! Tell him I said hi!" "Alright." He headed back out of my room, without even shutting the door. "Aiden, Emily says hi" I got off my chair and made my way to the door. "HE SAYS HI!" James shouted from about halfway down the stairs. I tiptioes over to the balcony that hangs over the staircase, so I wouldn't be seen. "Yes. No I haven't. I will, just not yet. Cloe? Do it dude!" I gasped. Now Cloe is involved in this! I have to call her! I ran back to my room. "What the?" I heard James start coming up the stairs again towards my room. Maybe he heard me run in the hall.

I jumped on my chair and opened my laptop again. This time facebook was already opened, but I switched it over to twitter so it doens't look like i've only been on this one sight. It may be suspicious. I texted Cloe to call me. Right when I put my phone down, he walked into my room. As if on cue, James opened his mouth to say something, but my phone rang. "One sec" I said turning to get my phone that I launched on my bed. "Hello? Okay" Looking towards James I said "Cloe says hi" He simply waved. Rolling my eyes, I repeated "James says hi. So what's up? Nevermind about that. OMG! Really!! I'm soo happy for you!" At this point tears were rolling down my eyes. Maybe that's what Aiden and James were talking about. "What are you going to where! OMG. You have to come over! We have planning to do!" I looked over at James, and he just stood there. I think he knows what we are talking about. "Alright, see you in five!"

I hung up the phone. Turning to James I ran up and hugged him! "OMG! Aiden asked Cloe to Spring Formal!" Realizing what I did, I quickly pulled away. "She's coming over, I hope you don't mind. She's liked Aiden for a while, and she wants this night to be perfect!" "Nah, that okay. But question. Isn't Spring Formal the day of your birthday?" I thought about the date. Chuckling, I replied. "Yea, I guess so!" James started walking closer towards me. "Well" Scratching the back of his head he continued. "You know how I said your birthday present from me is going to mean the world?" "Um, yea..." At this point, I was now sitting up on my bed, and wondering what he was going to say next. He came over and sat next to me on my bed, at a comfortable distance. "I need to ask you something." "Go right ahead" I looked at the way he was sitting, legs crossed at the ankle. His hair spiked up, and his smile growing even larger on his face. DING DONG!

I instantly jumped up. That must be Cloe! Turning to see James smile had now dissapeared. He got up and said to me "That must be Cloe. Do whatever girls do when they get ready for dances." I simply hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered into his ear. I ran down the stairs, and opened the door to see a smiling Cloe. "Hey!" "OMG! I am so happy right now, you don't even understand!" "I think I see the point." She was smiling from ear to ear, and her eyes were wet and a little red from i'm assuming crying because she is extremely happy. We walked up to my room. "Cloe, before you start fangirling, I need to ask you something." She simply nodded, and sat down on my bed. Moving towards her, I sat down and said "Every time James and I talk, he's always smiling. And yesterday he said he was going to get me a birthday present thats going to mean the world. He reminded me again about it today, then he said he needed to ask me something, after stating the fact that Spring Formal was on the same day as my birthday." I paused to catch some breath, since I basically rushed that all out of my mouth at the same time. "What do you think he needed?"

I looked over at Cloe to see her smile even larger! "I can't tell you. Go find out yourself." With that, she called James. As soon as he walked into the room, he nodded at Cloe, than winked at me. Cloe whispered "Good Luck" into my ear, and left the room. What does she know that I don't know? "Well, that was weird. I call a friend over and she gets up and leaves within the first five minutes." I started laughing, and James did too. He came over and sat infront of me, since I was leaning against my bed board. "I need to ask you something." "I know, and i'm sorry I keep holding it off. But I think Cloe knows about something. Something about you asking me whatever it is." He touched my arm, and I felt tingles through my body. "You know, for a straight A student, you are pretty clueless." Not knowing what he meant, he simply leaned forward and whispered to me.



















"Will you go to Spring Formal with me?"

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