Chapter 12

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I have just received a text from James telling me that he was going to take me on another date tonight. I was looking through my closet for something to wear. Looking at the clock I realized I still had a little over an hour. James and I are both now 27, and it is our 7 year anniversary today. Every night for our anniversary we go out somewhere fancy. Looking at my phone I re-read the text:

Hey babe!

Happy 7 year anniversary! I have a date planned for us tonight, be there around 8 tonight to get you. Where something fancy.

I love you


James and Iive in the same appartment, but he said he was going out today. I think he just went over to Dylan's. Looking through my closet and seeing I had nothing to wear, I decided I would head over to Cloe's, which conveniently, is just downstairs. Without knocking, I turned the knob to her and Aiden's appartment, surprised to find it unlocked. I walked right into the room, to find them breaking away from a kiss. Aiden and Cloe have been married for about a month now, and have lived here for a while. "Sorry, for walking in like that. But Clo, this is an emergency. You guys can have a makeout session later." Cloe walked over towards me, grabbing my shoulders. "What's wrong Em?" ''I have a date with James tonight, but I have nothing fancy to wear. You have a key eye on fashion, so I figured you might be able to help me." Gesturing me towards the bedroom she replied; "yea, let's go check. Maybe you will fit in one of my dresses."

I was done getting ready about 5 minutes before James was going to show up. I looked over myself in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs. I was wearing a red strapless dress, that had a heart shaped top. I had black heels on with it, and a black handbag that would 'accessorize' my look. Cloe's words not mine. Just as I made it downstairs, James honked the car as he stepped outside to help me into the passenger side. He was dressed in a suit with a nice black bowtie.

We parked in the beach parking lot. I looked over at him confused, but he just motioned for me to get out if the car. He hasn't said a single word to me since he picked me up, and I'm not sure why. He grabbed my hand as he leaded me to the pavilion just by the beach. I looked around to see rose petals surrounding my favourite picture of us, on our third anniversary at Disney World. I turned around to see James on one knee.

"Emily Stone. I have loved you ever since I met you in the hallway. I was ever so grateful to call you my girlfriend, and have you to call you mine. I love your laugh and smile, and waking up to you every night. I wanted to make this night perfect for the perfect girl. And I know I have found her." Tears started to swell up in my eyes, ad he continued. "I love everything about you, but I want to change just one thing." At this point I was now utterly confused, and I was hoping that I knew what he was going to say next. "I want to change your last name, Emily. I want you to take mine." And with that, those four words, stuck me with all of their love and glory. "Will you marry me?"

I bent down and kissed him. Pulling away, I whispered... "yes". He got up and slid a diamond ring onto my ring finger, than screamed. "She said yes!" With that, a whole bunch of people cheered as fireworks set off. The people all blended into the background. I was so amazed, and I guess James could tell by my facial expression. He turned my face towards him, and said "I remember when you said you wanted to say fireworks at your wedding when we went to Disney four years ago." I just couldn't believe it. A shy, background girl like me, is now marrying a high school hotty!

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