Chapter 9

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I stood there in shock with my eyes wide open. I probably looked like an idiot right now with my jaw hanging so low, staring at James, but I didn't care. I was speechless. I always thought he was a bimbo. A jerk face. But since living with him and getting to know him more over these past few months, I think I might actually like him. I want too say yes, but the glares. Is it worth it.. "Emily?" James was waving his hand in front of my head trying to get me to focus back on the moment, instead of my head being out in the clouds. Next thing I know, Cloe and Aiden came in the room hand in hand. James reached over and grabbed mine. "Answer me?" He started looking like a lost puppy. I want to say yes, but I couldn't.

"YES!" James turned around, where the voice came from. "What?" "She's speechless! I can tell! I've known Emi for as long as I remember, and this is what her face looks like when she loses her words." James, stopped and looked at me. "She wants to say 'yes' but she can't find the words." I was finally able to get some movement back into my body. So I squeezed James' hand that was still interlocked with mine. He looked over at me. "Yes" Was all I whispered

James smiled, leaned over and kissed my cheek. "For the record, I've had my eyes set on you for a while." I smiled, and Cloe and Aiden Oo'd and Aa'd. "Yay!" Cloe came running over to me and hugged me. "We both have dates!" I smiled, but it soon disappeared. "What's wrong?" "Um..." I looked towards James and Aiden, since they are both now standing at the edge of my bed. "Guys? Can you give me and Clo a minute?" They looked at each other, nodded and left closing the door behind them. When I was certain they were now downstairs, I started. "Clo? How come James asked me to the dance? I mean, won't it ruin his reputation. He would be going with Shadow Girl. I don't understand why he would sacrifice being popular to go with me. Maybe I should tell him I changed my mind. I mean-" "Shut up!" "What?" "AIDEN!" Cloe screamed for Aiden, but not two seconds after she included "ONLY AIDEN!"

Aiden came into the room with a confused look on his face. "What's up?" Cloe got up, and walked over to him. "She wants to back out." At this point, Aiden looked really sad, and came over to me. Since I could now move, I switched positions, lying down on my stomach. "I don't know what to do. He never talked to me before, and he said I would ruin his rep if he was seen with me. Wouldn't this just ruin it?" I looked over at Aiden, who had made his way over to my desk chair. I looked at the way he was sitting. Legs crossed at the ankles. I giggled. "What?" He said looking me over. "It's funny how much you two are alike." "Anyway, why do you wanna back down? I mean, he did ask you."

"I don't know. This would ruin his hot, popular image wouldn't it?" I put my head into my hands. "I just don't want him to be angry or sad if I'm the one to ruin it. I just shouldn't go." I heard footsteps coming towards me but ignored them thinking it was just Cloe. A hand started rubbing my back. This hand was a strong, firm hand, so it must belong to Aiden, not Cloe. I took one of my hands away from my face, and grabbed the hand into mine. "Thanks Aiden, but I don't know. Wouldn't he be-" He kissed my hand softly, which caused me to look up. It wasn't Aiden's or Cloe's hand. This hand belonged to James, and he was the only one here now. I looked down at our hands as I sat up against my head board again.

James sat across from me, our hands still interwined. "Emily. Why would you think I wouldn't want to be seen with you? I know I said that from the start, but to be honest, I didn't think you thought much of me other than the jerk faced bimbo." I looked down, a small smile forming. "If I didn't want to be seen with you, and I was worried about losing my rep, why would I have asked you to the dance in the first place? I've been waiting for this moment since we first bumped into each other in the hallway. Since, you were walking to the bathroom and I called you 'hot', hoping you would have heard and walked over. Unfortunatley, you didn't. But fate brought you here to live with me. Emily, I've been waiting for this day for too long."

I didn't know what to do, so I sat there, quietly. I didn't say a word. "Do I need to get Cloe back up here so she can read your mind again?" I laughed a quiet laugh. We both got up, and walked downstairs where my mom, Heather, Cloe, and Aiden were all standing, waiting. We both glanced over at our hands, still holding on to each other. We both looked at each other and smiled. After taking the last step to the main floor, my mom and Heather both came running over hugging us both. "I can't believe it!" My mom turned towards me. "Emily, this is amazing! We've been waiting for you two to find each other!" I started blushing, "Mommm....." "Sorry, sorry." Heather and my mom left. "Emily! We need to go dress shopping! The dance is tomorrow!" Cloe grabbed my hand dragging me behind her. "Bye boys!" she shouted as she closed the door behind her.

We headed straight to the mall. First, we stopped at Le Chateau to buy some dresses. We were there for at least an hour trying on dresses. Cloe walked out of the change room, wearing a beautiful Blue dress. There was a black ribbon belt with a rose seperating the dress. The top half was a nice dark blue, and the bottom was the same blue with black lace lying over top.. "That looks beautiful Clo!" "Thanks! I think i'm going to get it!!" She walked back into the change room, and after about a minute came back out in her normal street clothes. In one hand she was holding the dress she was going to buy, and in the other were all the no's. I think there must have been about 20 different dresses!

Next was my turn. Unlike Cloe, I only grab about ten items to change into, not the entire store! I tried on about six dresses and we both didn't really like them. I was certain I wasn't going to find a dress, until I came out of the change room with the seventh dress I picked. My dress was pretty simple, but it was gorgeous! It was a white heart top, with simple white lace. The bottom was a nice sky blue that flared out if I spun around in a circle. The back was a cross-stiched design. "Emily, that dress is perfect!" Agreeing, we paid for our dresses, then left the store in search of shoes. Cloe just bought some blue high heels to go with her dress. Unfortunately, I don't know how to walk in heels, so I just stuck with some white flats with a little bow.

We decided we should head home. When we pulled into the drive way, all the lights were off and it didn't seem like anyone was home. We opened the door and saw the light on in James room. There was a note on the fridge from my mom saying they were going away for the weekend. My mom was looking for a house we could stay in, but franctly, I don't want to leave. I love it here! We put our dresses on hangers, and put them in my closet, since we were going to get dressed here tomorrow night. We then walked over to James' room to find the tv on, and the boys playing Mario Kart.

Cloe cleared her throat, and the boys shot up from the bed. "Find dresses?" Aiden walked over towards us. Cloe replied in a flirtatious way, "Yup! But you're not allowed to look until tomorrow night!" With that, Aiden grabbed her hand. "Shall I escort you home little lady?" "Sure! Bye Em! Tomorrow night! I'll be here at 4!!" I watched as Cloe and Aiden dissapeared down the hallway hand in hand. James walked over and took my hand. "Shall I escort you to your room?" I playfully smacked his arm. "Please, Aiden's got ya beat!" We both started laughing, as we walked over towards my room. "Alright, well i'm going to bed. Big day tomorrow!" With that I winked, and closed the door behind me. Tomorrow, is going to be the best night of my life. With the thought of the dance in my head, I drifted off to sleep.

The Shadow Girl ||✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz