Chapter 4

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After school, I decided to take a cab home instead of having to walk all the way home in the cool air of March. By the time I made it home, James was already there, and so were our mom's.

I walked straight in the house, and was pulled into a giant embrace. I looked up and noticed it was my mom. "Hey mom. How was the mall?" "It was great honey. How are you? Did you sleep okay?" "Mom, I'm not four anymore." "I know honey, but Cloe told me about your nightmares. Don't be mad at her, she thought I could help you." Cloe told my mom! I told her not to tell anyone. But I guess she's right, she might be able to help. "Im not mad, mom." "Good".

Heather then walked into the rooom. "Hey, Emily. How was your day? Did you finish your essay?" My essay! Shoot! I forgot! Good thing we had a substitute today! I have to finish it! "Um, yea , and good." "Great". "MOM!" James came running down the stairs. "Yes, James?" "I need your help with something" James is asking for help. To be honest, I wouldn't picture him as a guy who asks for help. "Alright, let's go then." Wonder what he actually wanted.

I turned towards the stairs, as the doorbell rang. I walked slowly towards the door and looked through the peakhole. Aiden and Dylan are the only ones that know I live here, and James wants to keep it that way. Looking through the tiny window, I saw it was Aiden. Opening the door I greeted him inside. "Hey. Where's James?'' "He went upstairs with Heather. Said he needed help with something." I shrugged, but Aiden just smirked. I wonder if he knows something...

"Okay, well I have to go finish the science essay." I said turning my heel and making my way towards the stairs. "Shit!" Aiden came running towards me. I stopped, and slowly turned towards him. "I forgot about that! Can you help me?'' Shrugging, I just simply said "Sure, why not". "Great!" We both headed up the stairs towards my room. Little did I know, that today, James decided to keep his door opened. We both peered in his room to see his mother trying to teach him how to dance. Spring Formal is coming up soon, and I guess he wants to impress his girlfriend. Slowly, Aiden and I both looked at each other, and backed away.

We got to my room and closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, and we were sure no one would hear us, we burst into a fit full of laughter. We both collapsed to the floor in a ball, while tears were pouring out of our eyes. Slowly, we began to control ourselves and stop laughing. Gasping for air, we sat up. "Maybe. We. Should get. Started." I said taking breaths in between words. "You're. Right." Aiden and I got up and walked towards my laptop. Just as I opened my essay, I turned around to explain to Aiden what we had to do. Thinking Aiden just sat on my bed, I quickly whipped around, only to find my face inches away from his. Taken by shock, I quickly cleared my throat, and turned back around to face my laptop.

"Well, you see... Atomic Notation can also be referred as Nuclear Notation, or Nuclear Symbol. It is a way to represent an element by showing it's mass number, and atomic number..." I started reading the intro of my essay. Aiden hadn't said anything yet, which must mean he is paying attention to every detail. Although, him not saying anything is kind of odd. I stopped, and turned around to face him. The look on his face could easily say he was absolutely clueless! He sat there with his eyes wide staring at me, and his jaw was wide open, he must be starting to feel cramps. Breaking out of his clueless state, he said, "H-how are you so smart?" "I don't know. I like studying, and reading on my free time. I've just been able to pick up on things." I simply shrugged. He shot up out of his seat and glared down at me. "Pick up on things!? You're like a mini Einstein!" He then got down on a knee, as if you were to propose to someone. "You must teach me your ways". At this, all I could do was laugh! We sat there laughing for a while, until James opened the door and walked in the room.

James didn't say much. "Aiden, let's go. I need your help". First he asked his mom for help, and now Aiden. I'm starting to wonder if he's making a get away plan or something. I'm not too sure, but with that, he grabbed Aiden and off they went. Heather came into my room next. "I heard you and Aiden are really close?" "He's like another brother to me! It's so nice having more than one friend especially." Heather looked really confused. She slowly walked towards my bed and sat down looking up at me. "How can a girl, as pretty as you only have one friend?" This question pierced through me as if I have just been shot a thousand times. "Um, well. You see, i'm known as the Shadow Girl at school. I stay in the background." "Oh. Well you shouldn't be afraid to show who you really are! I mean, look at Aiden. He's popular, and charming. You two are like best buds." In the back of my head, I was thinking of saying that we are only friends now because he saw me the other day. If he wasn't over that morning, he still wouldn't know I exist. "Well, I better start making dinner I guess. Are you hungry?" "Sure, thanks!" Heather walked out of the room, and I decided I would take a little nap before dinner. I lied down thinking of James' sudden ask for help.

With a wide grin on his face, James came up the hall and walked straight into my room. Without saying a word, he walked up to me, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of my bedroom. He dragged me downstairs, and stopped in front of the kitchen. "Mom, me and Emily are going out to see a movie. We will be back later on tonight!" "Alright dear! Be safe!" He then loosened his grip a little as we made our way outside and too his car. "Get in." I did as he told, too scared to not listen after living with my father for a decade. He ran over to the driver's side, and hopped in starting the car. "Where are you taking me?" He glanced over at me seeing the worried look on my face. "You're a straight A student, and you don't remember me saying we were going to go see a movie?" He rolled his eyes and continued driving down the highway. For the whole ride, I just stared out the window trying to figure out why he was even bothering with this.

We pulled into the movie parking lot, and he glanced my way. "Stay here". He got out of the car, and quickly ran over to the passanger side and opened my door. He gestured for me to get out, and as I stepped out of the car I whispered a quiet "Thanks." He grabbed my hand and led me towards the theatre. He bought two tickets to see Paranormal Activity 4. I hate scary movies. Without complaining we bought some popcorn and drinks. Heading towards the theatre I thought it would be best to tell him I'm not a fan on scary movies. "Hey, James? I don't really like scary movies. I get scared way too easily." Looking down at my feet, he just whispered in my ear. "Then this will be fun." We walked to our seats, and sat down. The movie just started, and the whole theatre went black. There was a little girl on the screen, crawling towards us with blood dripping down her face. "Emily. Emily. EMILY!"

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