Chapter 6

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We were up in the office and Aaron had just walked up. Tanner had told Aaron to sit down across from us. We were seated at the desk with Aaron. Tanner was shuffling some papers around on his desk. Looking through some files, while we were waiting for him.

"Alright, well I guess it's time to get started, hm?" Tanner put the papers down, looking at Aaron.

"Whenever you're ready. What exactly do you need to tell me?" Aaron asked, leaning back in his chair.

Tanner looked around the room suspiciously. "What we're about to tell you cannot leave this room. Do you understand that?"

Aaron nodded his head obediently. "Of course, whatever you say Alpha."

"You know the legend of the white wolf?" Tanner drummed his fingers on the desk.

"Of course. When the white wolf is revealed, a great war will take place. What of the legend?" Aaron looked slightly confused.

Tanner and I exchanged glances. "Your Luna is the white wolf."

The room was pretty silent for awhile. Aaron's jaw slowly dropped. "The Luna is.. The white wolf? How is that possible? I thought she was a human?"

"We all thought she was human. It turns out her parents had her memory blocked by a wizard. This wizard is also her grandfather. Which makes her a werewolf/witch hybrid. Since her memories were restored, she will shift again in a few days. Once that happens news of the white wolf will spread like wildfire." Tanner sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I see. This is simply amazing." Aaron glanced at me. "Our Luna the white wolf... This is such a good and bad thing."

"What are the good and bad parts of it? If you don't mind me asking." I chimed in, wanting to learn more.

"Well the good are your powers. The white wolf is said to have mysterious powers that will aid their pack. Of course.. Not all packs will be as thrilled. Some of them might want to have the powers to themselves. The war is pretty bad too, all sorts of creatures will be engaged in it. They might even come after you, so that you can't decide the fate of the battle. Some will try to kill, and others capture you." Aaron said, looking worried.

"Probably the most dangerous enemy of all is the Demon King." Tanner said, running a hand through his hair.

"What's so bad about the Demon King?"

"He's pure evil. He controls pretty much all of the underworld. All the demons, ghouls, undead, just everything below the ground." Tanner frowned.

"Don't worry Luna, the pack will stand by your side. We won't let anything happen to you." Aaron gave me a respectful nod.

"We're allied with a couple packs as well. I'm sure they would be more than willing to help us if anything happens." Tanner shuffled through some of the papers, examining them.

"What creatures would even be upset about the white wolf?" I asked.

"Pretty much just the Demon King. He's been trying to take over the world for awhile now. He wants to go above ground more than anything. The Angels won't allow him to. Rumors say he's going to start a war soon in order to go above ground. If he does that... Humanity will be lost. Humans would either be enslaved or killed. Angels would be completely wipes out though." Tanner looked upset. He didn't like the thought of demons roaming the earth.

"What's the plan for the Luna's shift?"

Tanner was quiet for a moment, pondering this question as well. "It'll just be her and I. We need to keep everyone in the dark as long as possible. It'll give us the most time possible to prepare."

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