Chapter Nine

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"So your telling my young master that you have a lead to the 'man with the golden eyes'?"Questioned the butler.I nod leaning against a coffin."I saw him,he came and attacked UnderTaker,tried luring me to find LadyBug then I denied.However he said.Im here ButterFly,"I pause."Fathers here."I mumble.The butler stiffens.I look him in the eyes."Well there's only one person,or I should say spider who has the golden eyes."Chuckled Sebastian.I stand up quick."I'm coming with you."I state.Ciel goes wide eyed.Sebastian glares."Your to young."Said UnderTaker."Well than I'm following behind you."I smirk back.

I was in a carriage with Ciel and Sebastian and the young boy shifted uncomfortably in his seat."So I'm sorry about your parents."I state to start a conversation."I don't need your pity."He said blank."Tell me how do you deal with a smart mouthed demon such as him?"I ask reviving a glare from the butler."How did you.."I cut him off."Let's just say,someone who calls your butler Bassy!Told me."I smirk.

The carnage breaks to a halt and I'm lunged forward into Sebastian's chest.I get up and step out of the carriage without his help.I run into another chest.I look up to see golden eyes."Hello there Miss."He says calm with a small smile playing his lips."Quit playing games!"I snap,slapping him.He glares at me."ButterFly please calm yourself."Said Sebastian who held my wrist behind my head."I'm deeply sorry,I don't know what came over her."Sebastian apologized.I growl in annoyance.Were lead inside for a few glances then I ran to the stairway."LadyBug."I state hugging her."Butt-ButterFly!"She stuttered.I was smiling and happy."I missed you so much."I mumble.Her blonde hair was to her hips now.Her blue eyes shining bright.She puts an hand to my cheek and smiled to me."Ah I see you love my little sister,hello I'm Alois Trancy."Said a brat in booty shorts and a fancy get up."You must be ButterFly,she's talked quite a lot about you."He said.I glare at him.Then a woman with white hair,that goes to her ankles I think,her tan skin,her blue eyes."Ha-Hannah?"I ask.She looks to me a bandage over her left eye.I run to her but stop short."Is it really you?"I ask."ButterFly.You look well."She replied.

She rescued me when I was in flames.When I was two,then I never saw her again."How many people here are inhuman?"I ask.LadyBug hugged my leg."Claude,The triplets and Hannah."She said happy.Anger played my breathing but I concealed my anger,for now."Let me get ready for the party okay."I tell her."Okay."

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