Chapter Ten

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Claude waited till we were alone when he wanted to speak to me.Figures.He shows me to his room,then shuts the door behind him."You look well."He said soft.I face him with anger in my eyes."How could you do that,tell LadyBug about Demons and Angels and Reapers.Shes only a child."I holler.He had a shocked expression.I turn and unzip my bag.He stepped right behind me."You're your mothers daughter."He pondered.I swing my leg into his chest launching him into the wall."I'm not you daughter!"I yell."A father would never abandon his daughter,never!"I yell at him.Darkness spreading through the room.My hand bleed.Wind circled me flapping my black hip length hair.The mark on my hand darkening.Claude looked to me shocked and confused.Sebastian and Ciel ran in and saw me."ButterFly!"Yelled Ciel.I regained my senses and saw paper everywhere.I was breathing heavy and I was dizzy.

It's been some hours since the whole Claude thing.He's still been keeping a eye on me.UnderTaker made a dress for me.An it has chop sticks that can kill people hidden in the wings if need be.I sat by Ciel and Sebastian,while little LadyBug ran around the room laughing and enjoying herself."At least she's happy."I mumble."Care for a dance."Said the sicking voice of Claude.He pulled me to the dance floor,I unwillingly dance with him."I am gravely sorry for my behavior,a father thing."He said.I roll my eyes and growl."Right."I state sarcastically."Well,even if you don't believe me know you will sooner than later."He said."How?"I question stern."Your dear LadyBug is going to die very soon,you see she made a contract with me to find your parents and be happy with them.Hints why I'm doing this pathetic human dance.I will make you love me,"He said leaning close to my ear."My darling spider."

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