[Chapter 4] Stand Strong

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-Ian's POV-

I don't know what happened last night. After staring at the wall for what seemed like hours, trying to grasp an understanding on what just went down, I passed out, exhausted.

I woke up on the floor and sort of forgot why I was there. I saw that it was eleven in the morning, and Melanie wasn't up and about yet. I went around the house, looking for Melanie. She wasn't in our room, or in the bathroom, or in the kitchen. I began to freak out.

As I opened the guest bedroom door, which used to be Anthony's bedroom, I walked in quietly and tapped her back, "Wake up, Melanie!" I whispered playfully.

The person under the covers pulled off the blankets and looked at me. I screamed like a little girl, stumbling back into the closet doors.

"What do you want, Ian?" Anthony groaned, scratching his head, "I finally fall asleep and you had to come in and wake me up!"

I looked at him in disbelief, clutching my chest as my heartbeat raced. "Are you serious!?! You're yelling at me? I didn't even know you were here! Where's Melanie?"

He got out of the bed and slipped his shirt on. I hadn't noticed it before, but he was only in his underwear, "Don't you remember, Ian? I came in, asked what you were doing, you mumbled something I couldn't make out, I asked if I could stay the night, and you nodded your head yes!"

"Well, that's weird, because I don't remember that!" I yelled at him.

He rolled his eyes and walked past me, "So, why isn't Melanie here?"

"I don't know," I answered him truthfully.

"Well, do you want me to tell you why I came here last night?"

I followed him into the dining room and sat across from him at the table, "Quite frankly, yes. Because it's kind of freaky that I found my best friend in the guest bed instead of my girlfriend."

Anthony explained to me about the whole thing with Kalel last night. My mind was spinning. How could this happen?

"Why didn't you tell me it was your anniversary?" I randomly blurted out when he was done talking.

"Well I forgot, so how could I tell you if I didn't know myself!" He yelled back.

"Okay, we just got to calm down, Anthony," I told him, putting my hands over my face.

"So where is Melanie again?" He asked, getting himself something to eat out of the refrigerator. My eyes widened as the memories came flooding back to me. Her invitation to dinner. Her sudden mood change. Her leaving the house. I put my hands over my face as the sadness I had last night returned.

"Melanie dumped me," I mumbled under my breath.

He slammed the door closed, "What?"

"I said Melanie dumped me, was I not loud enough for you?" I snapped back moodily, glaring up at him.

"What the hell did she dump you for? For some other more handsome, more funny, better guy than you?" He teased me.

"Not funny, Anthony!" I sat up, my voice cracking at the end of my sentence, "She was probably the best thing that ever happened to me and I just let her walk out that door," I even pointed to the front door as a visual effect.

He frowned, "I'm so sorry, man. You know what should cheer you up? Responding to some fans' tweets on Twitter!" He ran around the counter, grabbed his laptop (which for some reason was at my house still), and sat down beside me. I saw him pull up the Twitter account and gasp.

"What?" I asked, leaning in so I could get a better view.

He was silent for a second, then he pointed to the screen, "Just look at these!" I moved my seat closer to him and began to read the messages. All of them were nasty, saying they couldn't believe we treated Kalel and Melanie so terribly, or how they no longer had us as their idols, or how they're unsubscribing from our channel. He went to my page and the same sort of comments filled my news feed.

"What the fuck?" I yelled, sitting back in my chair, "How do they know!?! I didn't tell anyone but you!"

"Oh, man," Anthony mumbled under his breath.


He glanced over at me and said, "They found out from them. Kalel and Melanie. And look how many people are supporting them," He began to scroll through the tweets they were receiving and all of them were about how they thought they did the right thing and that they were going to stick with them through all of this.

"Unbelievable!" I jumped to my feet, Anthony looking up at me, "This is so unfair! People break up all the time, what's the big deal that we broke up with them?" He shrugged his shoulder and shut down his laptop.

I began to pace, thinking of how to deal with all of this. Then an idea popped into my head. I shot my index finger at Anthony as he was getting up from the chair, he froze. "We need to get back at them," I told him.

"Okay, but how?" He argued, "They've got the whole world on their side! And I don't know what they're going to do next!"

I crossed my arms and smirked, "We're just going to have to wait and see what they do and...uh...do the same thing back! Simple! Right?"

He raised one of his eyebrows, "I don't know, Ian..."

"Come on, man! We can't show the world that just because Melanie and Kalel are being bitches right now and they've got everyone on their side we're going to be backing down! We got to stand strong! Right?" He gave me a look of uncertainty, hell I wasn't even believing myself at this point. I ignored the feeling and waited for his response.

"Fine..." He agreed, realizing I wasn't going to move until he answered me, "But I don't want things to go too far, you know? Like, will you promise me to stop when I say so?"

I nodded my head slowly, "Sure."

-BOOK 1/4 IN SERIES- Getting Even (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now