[Chapter 13] A Bunch of Little POVs (The Wedding Part One and a Half)

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-Toby's POV-

I was scoping the room, trying to find where Melanie was. All I wanted was to see her once again. And then I spotted her, standing in the line of four bridesmaids all wearing hot pink dresses. She looked amazing. I smiled. But then I spotted Ian, with the groomsmen, and the smile went away and the anger boiled up inside of me.

Why did those two girls put Anthony and Ian up to the responsibility of picking them or Nachael? It wasn't fair to any of us. If that never happened, I'm sure I wouldn't be here right now talking to myself in my head about how much I miss Melanie. Melanie Melanie Melanie. Why did this all have to happen!?!

-Natalie's POV-

I knew that I wasn't as upset as Rachael was, I mean, Anthony was getting married today. She told me that she'd dread that moment and she was going to die on the day it happened. So far she hasn't died, but we still got the rest of the night to go on. Fingers crossed.

And, in all honesty, I wasn't really paying attention to Anthony or Kalel, I was focused on Ian. His blue eyes. His amazing bowl hair cut. How great he looked in that tuxedo. And he even was wearing a bowtie! Just like Toby! And you know what bowties remind me of? DOCTOR WHO!!!

Sorry...got a little off track there.

Anyways, I glanced over at Rachael. She was resting her head on Joey's chest as he sat with his arm wrapped around her back. Her curly hair was blocking her face, so I couldn't see if she was crying or not. She probably was.

-Rachael's POV-

I was trying my best not to burst out into tears. Whenever I looked up to see Anthony, I immediately turned my head down again. I couldn't stand being here. I wanted to get up, walk out, and drive home. But I know I couldn't do that...it would hurt probably Anthony. And even though I was literally a total bitch to him weeks ago, I wanted that friendship we had back. And leaving would just ensure the chances of that never happening again...

Nobody knew this, but the night of the dinner, Anthony told me that he wanted to kiss me. Right in front of Kalel. That's why I was so happy. I swear, I've never been happier in my life. But then Kalel was all "please forgive me Anthony! I love you so so so so so so much!" and he was all like "Kalel I love you too and forgive you" and things went downhill for me and Joey after that.

I looked up at Joey and sighed. He and I had to the be the ones that we hurting the most. Our "fake" other halves of the relationship were getting married. At least with Toby and Natalie, Melanie and Ian were just dating. But now Anthony and Kalel were getting married and I'm positive they won't be divorcing anytime soon...so basically me and Joey are screwed!

-Joey's POV-

This has got to be one of the worst decisions I've ever made in my life. Why did I have to listen to Toby? Why did I have to agree to come here and just be heartbroken? (Not saying that any of the three people sitting next to me aren't.)

This wasn't fair. Anthony didn't deserve Kalel. She was so much better than him! UGH! Why why why why why why why why did I have to wait this long to realize how I really felt about her?

-Anthony's POV-

This was actually happening. I smiled with joy. I was marrying Kalel Cullen today. And she was going to become Kalel Padilla. And we were going to be the happiest couple in the world.

As the pastor was talking about some stuff I really didn't care about, I decided to see who showed up, though we knew who was coming because of the RSVPs. I even heard that Rachael, Natalie, Joey, and Toby all showed up.

I looked through the crowds and crowds of people and found them in the back. They all looked so sad. I gulped in shame as I returned my attention to Kalel.

-Kalel's POV-

Finally, everything was back to normal. You know, except for how depressing Rachael, Natalie, Joey, and Toby were being. They were ruining this whole wedding. I knew I shouldn't have given them invitations, but Anthony insisted on it.

I'm just glad all the lying and faking and deceiving was over with now. That was painful for all of us, and I mean all of us.

-Melanie's POV-

I was happy for Anthony and Kalel, they were getting married. But part of me felt really sad. Really sad because of how Toby and I just abruptly ended. He was there when Ian and I were reunited, and I saw the sadness that was on his face. It made me shiver.

And now he was here, sitting in the back with the rest of the people who got dragged into the whole situation. And it was all my fault. I wish I hadn't been so agreeing with Corin. You know what? This is all Corin's fault! She was the one who did all of this!

-Ian's POV-

Natalie looked so pretty in her green dress...WAIT, what am I thinking? I'm with Melanie now! I picked Melanie. Natalie and me are no longer. We're done. Over with. NO MORE. Though I did have fun being in a fake relationship with her...NO. STOP IT IAN. Oh who am I kidding, I still like Natalie. And I'm almost positive Anthony still likes Rachael.

Author's Note: Sorry, kind of just felt like adding this random chapter. The next one is going to be more eventful =P Or so I hope. Thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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