[Chapter 6] Bigger Than That

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-Natalie's POV-

I was bouncing up and down when Rachael hung up the phone.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod. OH. MY. GOD! They're coming over to our apartment! OUR APARTMENT!" I exclaimed, starting run around the apartment like a maniac, screaming my head off and my heart beating against my chest.

When I was about to circle around the coffee table, Rachael stuck her arm out and stopped me, "Calm your ass down!" She ordered sternly.

I pouted and crossed my arms, "You're no fun! Why aren't you excited? SMOSH IS COMING TO OUR APARTMENT! They want to ask us a favor!"

"Yeah. They probably want us to like help clean up after a messy video shoot or get them their lunch for a Lunchtime."

I put my hands on my hips, "You're such a Debbie Downer!"

She turned away from me and went back to playing with the camera we used for recording our videos. Great, another camera that I'm most likely going to have to replace. I sat down next to Rachael, anticipating Anthony and Ian's arrival.

As I sat there listening to the occasional clicks coming from the device or the sighs and scoffs that came from Rachael, an idea popped into my head. I nudged Rachael, "Hey, this is totally random, but...uh...do you like Anthony?"

She glanced back at me quickly, her cheeks as pink as a flamingo, "What would make you think that?"

I laughed, "You're seriously asking me that?" She just stared at me. I sighed, "Well, maybe it's the fact that you've liked him ever since you first saw him, and when you moved here when I was still in school, you called me at one in the morning to tell me about how amazing he looked in person!"

She returned her attention to the camcorder she still had in her hands, "No..." She mumbled under her breath in denial.

I smiled, "You soooo like him."

"So what?" She snapped back, standing up, "It's not like he's ever going to know or even acknowledge it if I tell him, and we all know that he and Kalel are bound to get back together..." She frowned, "So there's no point in even trying."

I rolled my eyes as I joined her. Rachael's always been so down on herself since I can remember.

To break the awkward tension between us, there was a knock on the door. I jumped at it while Rachael slugged her way over, slapping a smile on her face

As I swung open the door, I gasped. Ian was wearing that Adventure Time Finn hat that I love. He was playing with the little tassels like a little child. I couldn't help but smile. All of a sudden, I felt warm and then lights out for me!

-Anthony's POV-

We all watched as Natalie fell to the side. Rachael caught her in her arms. She dragged her over to the couch and plopped her down. She sighed and returned back to us, smiling slightly.

"Come on in!" She greeted, extending her hand out as we walked in. I sat down on the love seat sofa and Ian plopped down next to Natalie, poking her and seeing if she would wake up.

"Can I sit here?" Rach questioned, pointing to the empty couch cushion that sat beside me.

"Of course!" I answered, "I mean, it is your place after all."

She smirked and sat down beside me, "So what did you guys need to ask us?"

"Uh...well..." I started, looking over at Ian, who was having a little too much fun trying to get Natalie back up. I gulped, "You know about the whole Kalel and Melanie situation?" She nodded her head, "Well, we need to step up our game. Our popularity status has dropped dramatically since they posted that they dumped us."

-BOOK 1/4 IN SERIES- Getting Even (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now