[Chapter 9] Choose Me or Her

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-Ian's POV-

"What the hell just happened?" I inquired, looking at Natalie, everyone else, and then back at Natalie. She wasn't responding - no one was, "Will someone please tell me what just happened!?!" I begged. Still no response, "Come on..."

"I know what happened," Melanie finally spoke up.

I saw Natalie raise her head slightly.

Melanie stood up, slipping her hand out of Toby's hold. She walked around the table and stood over me, "What happened is that Kalel and me made the biggest mistakes in our lives. Leaving you two. Things got out of control. And now you're going to have to do what Anthony's going to have to do."

"Which is...?" I stood up, shaking.

She put her hands on her hips, "Choose between me, your girlfriend of over six, let me emphasize, six years, or some stupid nineteen year old you barely know."

"What? That's so unfair!"

"It's not, Ian!" She shouted, "You shouldn't even be hesitating right now!"

Before I could respond, Natalie pushed me back and her fist launched at Melanie's face. Melanie collapsed back on the floor as Natalie shouted, "Obviously I'm not just some stupid nineteen year old who he barely knows, because if that was the situation, then he would be choosing you in a heartbeat!" She took in a big breath, "Boom," She concluded, folding over and breathing heavily.

I stared at Melanie's crippled body, her nose was starting to drip red and her eyes were fluttering open and shut as she came in and out of consciousness.

Weeks ago, I probably would've jumped to Melanie's side and made sure we got help immediately. But now, I don't know...

I knew that I was going to disappoint someone, whatever option I chose. The choices were to help Melanie, but lose Nat, and then leave with Nat, and lose Melanie. Why did I have to give Anthony that idea!?!

-Kalel's POV-

I finally caught up to Anthony. He was standing in front of Rachael, saying something I couldn't hear.

As I walked up behind him, I heard the end piece of whatever Rachael was saying to him prior to me coming, "...that's why I didn't want to do it in the first place. And I'm really sorry for all of this trouble and..."

Anthony gripped her upper arms and told her, "It's not your fault, Rach! I...I kind of..."

"Anthony, what's going on?" I managed to ask, despite the large lump that had formed in my throat.

He spun around, eyes wide open. "Kalel! What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same question," I retorted.

"Kalel! I can explain!" He shouted, defensively putting his hands in front of him.

I chuckled a little, "Okay, Anthony. Explain to me how you're going to choose between me and Rachael," I crossed my arms over my chest.

His jaw dropped, "What?"

"You heard me. Choose me or her," I repeated, "Because it's obvious that you have feelings for both of us," He opened his mouth to speak but I put my index finger up telling him to stop, "And don't say you don't, because if you didn't, you wouldn't have run after Rachael when she left."

"Kalel..." He whined, taking a step toward me.

I bit my lip, "Right here. Right now. Choose the girl you want to be with. There's the one you were going to marry next year or the girl you asked to be your fake girlfriend."

Both he and Rachael shot me a look of disbelief. "How did you know?" He questioned, taking another step closer to me.

I shrugged, "That's not relevant to this..."

"Yes it is!" Anthony argued.

I rolled my eyes, "Who's it going to be, Anthony? I want you to choose now," I ordered.

-Rachael's POV-

The next day..

I was watching a movie with my hand stuck in a popcorn bowl with only kernels left on the bottom. Natalie was sitting on the opposite side. And when she went in for a handful, she got upset when she found nothing by my hand.

"Ugh!" She grunted, "You know what? I blame Anthony and Ian for there being no popcorn left," She declared.

"How come?" I asked, sadness tinting my tone in every which way.

She sighed, "Because if they didn't choose Kalel and Melanie over us, we wouldn't be here eating our sorrows away in fattening foods!"

"We had to see it coming, though..." I remarked, pulling my hand out of the bowl. I covered my face in my hands as I began to cry, remembering the night before.

When Anthony chose Kalel over me, I was heartbroken. I know it was only fake...but I swear something was there that wasn't just for the act. Ian ended up picking Melanie over Natalie too. Both of us went home immediately after that, ripping off the dresses and slipping into more comfortable clothes (and for me that meant some soft, cotton shorts, a t-shirt, and my hair up in a messy bun) for a weekend full of sappy romantic comedies and crying and eating.

"Oh, stop the crying, Rach," Natalie scolded me, "And go get me the bag of potato chips in the kitchen instead."

"No..." I moaned, dropping my hands to my sides and slumping down farther into the couch.

"Go do it, slave!" She yelled at me, giggling a little at the end.

I glared at her and slowly got up. As I dragged myself into the kitchen, I noticed a familiar car pulling into the parking lot of me and Natalie's apartment building. I waited to see the people get out. ANd when I saw who it was, I rushed out of the apartment bare foot. Natalie was calling after me, "Where are you going?"

I pressed the button for the elevator frantically, bouncing with impatience and ignoring Natalie's question.

The doors slid open and I jerked forward to get in the elevator. I froze though when I saw the two of them. One held a store-bought cake and the other had his arms extended out to me. I crossed my arms over my chest in confusion.

Author's Note: This story is NOT over, not yet at least! There is still more drama and stuff to come =) hope you liked it! -rac06h10ael

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