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It is so lovely to be in Private,

Here, where my thoughts are the only ones.

The silence is comfortable

And lets my thoughts echo

Of these peaceful, white, blank walls

That yearn for a new beginning.

They are like blank pages

Wanting to be stained by ink and paint.

My story is unwritten,

and can only be written by me.

But I forgot this and  nearly lost myself,

Somewhere along caring what others think of me,

And being ripped apart by society,

And shredding my skin just to feel something.

Somewhere along being invisible

And faking a smile for so long,

I nearly lost myself completely.

But I refuse to disappear

And let you destroy who I am and what I stand for.

So here I am in lovely Solitude,

Where I can finally find the peace and quiet

To recover, heal, and find myself again.

I want to live, and not just survive.

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