
16 5 0

I stare at these vacant walls,

And remember all the horrible memories

Stained in my memory and etched deeply in my heart.

No, this is not home.

My fingertips trace the numbers on the door.

I stare at the grass, now longer and uneven.

The white picket fence is now worn and tired

From trying to keep in all the secrets

Of what really happened here.

No, this is not home.

But your arms pull me close to you,

And I can hear your steady heartbeat,

I close my eyes and breathe in

The familiar smell of vanilla and mint.

You lift my chin with your fingertips

And my eyes meet the bright azure of yours.

A smile paints your face as you tuck

A rebellious brown lock behind my ear.

My eyes flutter close as you lean in,

And your gentle lips meet mine.

And I know,

This is home.

The ChaosМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя