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Darling, don't do it.

Put down the blade

Put down the rope

Put down the gun

Put down the pills

For you don't know what tomorrow will bring,

Or the tomorrow after that,

Or the tomorrow after that.

I know life looks bad right now,

But if you leave now,

Think of what you'll miss.

For there are oceans you have not yet felt,

People you have not yet met,

Cities you have not yet wandered,

Food you have not yet tasted,

Kisses you have not yet kissed,

Friends you have not yet laughed with,

Flowers you have not yet smelled,

Sunsets you have not yet admired,

Books you have not yet read,

Songs you have not yet heard,

Lovers you have not yet loved,

Dreams you have not yet dreamed,

And goals you have not yet reached.

Tomorrow could be the day

You meet your soulmate

Or your favorite band member.

Tomorrow could be the day

You read the sequel to your favorite book

Or saw the prettiest sunset.

Tomorrow could be the day

You traveled to the city 

That makes all your dreams come true.

Anything can happen tomorrow.

With a new sunrise, comes new possibilities.

Darling, just promise me,

You'll try to make it to tomorrow

And see what it brings.

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