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Another merry December to remember,

Full of cousins, new memories, and loud laughter,

Giddy kids gaping at the toys in the window,

And sledding down hills that are covered in fresh snow,

Ice skating until your fingertips feel frozen,

And making snow angels and lopsided snowmen,

Snow globes, and trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue,

And toys and candies stuffed into the stockings hung,

Warm mugs full of hot chocolate and apple cider,

And heavy clouds that bring sleepy, chilly weather,

Old, homemade ornaments and bright, twinkling lights,

And fuzzy, wool mittens and intense snowball fights,

Busy malls and streets, full of last minute shoppers,

And cozy blankets, socks, and over-sized sweaters,

Jolly Christmas carols sung by the lovely choir,

And snuggling and kissing by the dancing fire,

A plate of sugar cookies and a glass of milk,

And eagerly waiting for the glorious St. Nick.

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