For Orlando

19 4 1

Forty-nine times you deprived this world of a soul,

A soul that had potential, a family, dreams, and a story.

A soul that was loved and admired and respected.

A soul that brought more love into the world.

You killed forty-nine people simply because

Of who they were and who they loved.

Your hatred ended forty-nine lives.

Those three sons will have to carry on without their father.

That mother will never see her son again.

That couple will never be married like they dreamed they would be.

That newborn will have to grow up without a mother

And have to realize how cruel another human could be.

That man that came to America to escape

The violence and death of his country, only found more violence and death.

Those forty-nine people will never grow old,

Will never graduate, and never reach their dreams.

Their lives were cut short just because of who they were.

Your hatred ended forty-nine lives,

But I guess you didn't realize 

Love conquers hate.

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