Tagged...Why me!?

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So, Mireyavalentin123 tagged me...

I want to be mad at her, but at the same time I can't because of that adorable picture of the KITTY!

I want to be mad at her, but at the same time I can't because of that adorable picture of the KITTY!

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I can't be mad!!

Anyway these are 13 facts about my self.

1) My favorite color is Red.

2) My favorite food is Pizza.

3) I like the season Fall.

4) I don't know 2 of my step-brothers, I've only seen one one time, but I was half awake. The other one I've only seen in a picture.

5) I'm scared of my step-Sister, I'm a shy girl, I only like talking to someone that's close to me.

6) I barely have a bound with my parents, their always to busy for me and my brother that live their. I only have a great bound with my cousins and 3 of my brother's.

7) I'm a tomboy.

8) I have dark brown hair and eyes, with glasses of course.

9) I like Dogs better than cats, my dad just won't let me have one, but cats are still cute.

10) I plan on doing a YouTube Channel but still not sure or when.

11) I want to be a veteran.

12) I like Minecraft!

13) I love my family!

So, I'm going to tag only 2 people, that are...



Revenge Family!!! 😝

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