Before I Begin...

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Hey everyone! :)

I'm a big fan of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice since I was 12 years old. I really love Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth

In this modern fanfiction I've made of P&P, I would really like to ask your patience and understanding because of the following:

1) I may not be able to update this like, everyday. =)

2) I'll do my best to edit it thoroughly first before posting it so it wouldn't be a major problem. ☺

3) The characters. I kind of tweaked their personalities a little bit (especially Elizabeth's), but in the later chapters, you'll finally see that strong willed and witty woman that she's famous for. XD

Married To Mr. Darcy
Time and Setting: Modern, Philippines
Genre: Romance
Casts: Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet
Matthew MacFadyen as William Darcy

Please feel free to comment, let me know your thoughts :D

Pictures of Keira and Matthew as Elizabeth and Darcy are NOT mine, just got it from :)

Thank you so much and Enjoy reading!

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