Chapter 2 First flight

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                   (picture of Noella)
"You are coming with me to Athen on vacation. We leave tomorrow. Pack a bag, do not forget to pack the amulet. Otherwise you will miss the adventure. Now I have to go to the hotel, "Grandma said. "Grandma, you're supposed to sleep at our place, "I said and went downstairs to the dining room to eat.
After packing the suitcase, I went to bed. Once again came the dream of the mist back but this time the fog was amber colored and the voice shouted about death and chased me around in my dream. It also said something about Napoleon.

When I finally woke up from the dream my grandmother sat on the edge of my bed, and hummed some strange old-fashioned melody. "I'm glad you're awake Noella. Our flight leaves in two hours, " Grandma said with a happy smile.
"Grandma! Why didn't you wake me? We must go now, otherwise we'll miss the flight, "I said and put on a tank top and a pair of shorts.

Just when I jump into the taxi I heard the grandmother screaming."You almost forgot the amulet. You won't have any adventures with out the amulet. Believe me I know,"
I sigh hopelessly and take the amulet.

Once at the airport we check in luggage and went through security. Grandmother ran through security and toward the gate. I slowly went through the security check and then continued to shop at the duty free. I bought a book, three perfumes and makeup box. I know I sound pretty materialistic but I really needed these things.

"Should I buy you some coffee Grandma?" I ask.

"No thanks little Noella," Granma replies bitterly.

She clearly does not like the name Noella.

One minute later we hear a voice telling us that the gate to our flight hade just opened so we continue to the airplane. Just when we sit down I remember that I have never flown and don't know if I will be sick or not. I watch a little nervously around before I lean back in the chair.

Just then Granma takes my hand and tells me that I should not worry because there is a greater chance of colliding with a car than to crash in with an airplane. I guess she thought I was afraid of flying.

After the 3 hour flight, we arrive at last at the airport, waiting for a taxi to come and drive us to the hotel.

"I've always wanted to go to Athen, but I've been stuck at the Institute of ten years. What is even better is that I get to go here with my beloved grandchild. " Grandma said with a big smile.

Eventually the taxi arrives and grandmother jump into it.

It's a pretty short trip but Grandma is able go to sleep before we are there and I have to take her out of the taxi. I put down Grandma on the sidewalk and wake her up. When she wakes up, we go to the hotel and leave our luggage.

"Put on the amulet and follow me," Grandma said with tricky grin.

I put on the amulet and we go to look for a restaurant. Grandmother running all the time in front of me. Pretending to tell people what to do.

Writer's note: This chapter was pretty short but I thought that I hade to put out a chapter today so that we could go on with the story. I know there isn't much adventure or action in the storie right now but in a short while when we have got further into the story there will be a lot to. Hope you liked this chapter. P.s the picture above is Noella.//Cutebergquist

Updated note: please forgive me for my horrible grammar and spelling. Looking through it now I cringe and try to make it better. But once again please forgive me.

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