Chapter 10 Back to the 50s

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A picture of a young grandma Damaris.

"Yes, please." i say to her and help Grandma into the sanitation room. I look into her eyes and give her a last hug crying.

"See you soon" she says and my amulet starts glowing once again. ________________________________________
Once again I was travelling in time I put my hand In my pocket, I feel money. Grandma must have put it in my skirtpocket when we were hugging.
We started to slow down. The mist disappears and I am standing in a desert. There is a Herd of camel's. If I'm right we're in the 1950.

In a distance I see a young man riding on a camel. He jumps of the camel and is headed for me. I feel a burning feeling in my pocket.
I put my hand to the burning and feel the stone I found on Atlantis. Oh so that's the stone who makes me travel in time against my will. That means that it is I who technically will give grandma the amulet.

That means that it was technically me who gave grandma the amulet. The man looks at me for about a minute before he grabs me by the hand and starts shaking my hand.
"Hi, i'm Akil. It's a pleasure to meet you. And who may you be?" Akil says with a happy tone.
"I'm Noella. It's nice to meet you to. Are you in any way on your way to market?" I ask politely.
" Yes, actually I am on my way to the market. Do you want a ride there?" He asks and starts walking back to the camel. I accept the offer and climb up on the camel. It takes three try's before I successfully mount the camel. I hear Akil sniggering in the back at me failing.

We ride for about 20 minutes. When we reach the market I realized that the market is only a small trading place with maybe seven stands.
" Thank you Akil for the ride. Is there any way I can pay you back?" I ask him politely.
"No really it was nothing. You don't have to pay me. It was only ment as a nice gesture." He says and ties his camel to a small palm tree.
"Here, take this as a gift." I say and give him the amulet I had in my pocket. He thanks me and tells me how grateful he is for that kind gesture. I then go to a stand to buy clothes to fit the era. After looking around I sit down by one of the stands. I start fiddling with the pendant I have around my neck. The

After an hour I see a young beautiful woman. I look at her shocked when I realised that it is Grandma when she was about my age. Her hair is a lovely chocolate brown. She looks around and her eyes stop at the amulet. She looks up at the man and gives him some money and then continues looking at the stands. I look down trying to think a way of getting back to the present day. When I look up Grandma is standing right in front of me. I look at her and she gives me a small smile.

"You've got beautiful hair. Is that your natural colour?" Grandma says and touches my golden locks.
"Oh how rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Damaris." She says and takes my hand.
"Ehh... Thank you, yes it is my natural colour. I'm Noella." i reply and shake her hand. Grandma looks down at my neck.

"We have the same necklace." she says and shows me the amulet she bought from the man.
" What a coincidence," i answer her with a playful tone. Grandma looked at me with a small smile.

" What brings you hear? I my self came here with my fiance."
Grandma says and points to a young tall blond man. I start to recognise his face. Grandpa? Wow i did not expect him to be blonde and have icy blue eyes. Well it at least now i know were my blond locks and blue eyes came from. I mean my mom has brown hair and brown eyes and my dad has dark blonde hair and blue eyes so when i was born both my parents were shocked to see that I was born with light blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I chose to go on a adventures trip and ended up hear. It nearly felt like i just teleported my way here but thats impossible of course." I said with a smile.

"We have to get moving now Damaris love." I hear a man with a British accent shouting in the distance. I look at the person and see that it is grandpa who is shouting. Wow i really don't know anything about my mom's side of the family do I. A weird thought come up in my mind. Why has my mom never let me meet my grandpa? Is he maybe dead and that's the reason why she has never brought him up or maybe Grandma and grandpa had a divorce and that's why. At least I know what I will be asking my mother when I come home to Sweden again.

"I have to go now. But it was nice meeting you Noella." Grandma says and gives me a big hug.

"It was nice meeting you to grandma. See you again in the future" i whisper while still hugging her and then when she turns around i start going back into the mist.

I open my eyes. I look around and see that i'm still in the sanitation room with grandma. I start hugging her tightly.

"You're back Noella. How was it?" grandma asks.

"How long have you known?" I ask her seriosly.

"Since you were ten. I started notice things that i hade seen before like the colour of your hair and eyes, the way you smiled at me when we went to Germany. You know small details." Grandma says smiling.

"Where's grandpa?" i ask her.

"He's in Sweden of course. He lives a mile away for your mothers sake. She has always had problems with her personal life. Do you really think that your grandpa would want to leave her in Sweden," She answers sadly. " How could your mother not tell you that. It really beats me what she was thinking."Now lets not ruin the moment. I have to go now but promise that you'll come and visit me."

I nod and then leave grandma to the nurse. I go to the lobby, take Aeolus hand and jump in to the taxi.

Authors note: I'm back and have just written the last parts of this chapter. Sorry for taking so long it took me some time before I could continue on this chapter. But now it's done and I can continue on the next chapter and complete this book at last. Hope you loved this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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