Chapter 5 Atlantis

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I accidentally walk into a young man.

"Sorry," I say quickly,

"It's okay," said the young man quietly.

"I'm Noella. You can call me Ella, "I say slowly and look up. There is a young man maybe 20 years. He has curly auburn hair and olive green eyes.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"I'm Heraklesr. I would happy to call you Noella. It sounds like a very beautiful name and I would gladly call you your real name, "says with a small smile Heraklesr.
"I'm going on a trip with a man named Aeolus. We're going to Atlantis. Do you know where the boat is? "Says Heraklesr casualy
"What a coincidence! I'm also on the boat. We can go there together, "I am happily.

I show Heraklesr down to the boat. I clime into the boat and check the preparations. All seems to be clear except for the food.

"Stay here, I'll just get the food," I say quickly and run away.

I run to Aeolus house and enter. Just when I come in, I am struck by a burnt smell.

"What's happening here?" I shout to Aeolus is sleeping.

"Huh? Vad are you screaming for. What's that smell? "Aeolus said sleepily.
"That's the dinner you were cooking! Stand up and make dinner instead of sleeping, "I shout, and go with all the food to the boat.

When I finally come down to the boat takes Heraklesr food from me. My first reaction was to yell at him, but when he puts the food in the boat I stop myself.

"Shall we go and look for Aeolus?" He asked kindly. I answer a rapid yes and we go.

We go fairly quickly. But as we approach Aeolus house I start to see the smoke coming out of the Aeolus kitchen.

When we are approaching, I hear someone swear in the house. Heraklesr starts to run towards Aeolus door.

"Aeolus, how's the food? It smells like burnt. I'll take care of this, "said Heraklesr quiet and take over the cooking. I watch in wonder as Heraklesr takes over. He begins by scraping out the burnt and then pour in goat milk and make a stew. It starts to smell good in the whole house. After twenty minutes the food is ready, and we sit down to eat. While we eat Heraklesr look at me dreamily. I turn my head towards him and smile.

Aeolus hit me on the arm.

"What?" I say sour.

"Clean up the food," says Aeolus unperturbed.

"I can clean up the food." Says Heraklesr

"You know what? I've had enough of you to do everything for her. Ella must learn that it is she who must clean up after dinner, "says Aeolus hard and go out of the house. Me and Heraklesr start to clean up everything. When we've finish, I go down to the boat.

Down by boat stands Aeolus and sulking.

"I think you should rest. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow, "I say to Aeolus.
"If I sleep at home, you can sleep in the boat if you want, "says Aeolus friendly as if he had totally forgot that he was angry with me. He turns after climbing out of the boat, looks at me and says, "I just wanted to say sorry for shouting before. I was just so tired."
I go to sleep in the boat. Before I fall asleep I see Aeolus go to the house. I fall asleep and disappear into dream sleep.

I wake up with a startle when I hear that someone goes on to the boat. It is Heraklesr that go down into the boat.

"Already awake? Sorry if I woke you. I would just check that everything was as it should. Aeolus will soon he would just make clear those final preparations, "said Heraklesr. Just as he says it will Aeolus walking toward the boat.

"Well, everyone is here," says Aeolus and begins rowing. Under the whole afternoon both Aeolus and Heraklesr where quite. After rowing for a long time they start eating the stew I made ​​yesterday. I take a bit of the pot myself and then feel the water with my fingertips.

The sun starts to go down and Aeolus starts navigating by the stars instead of navigating through the islands. I doze off. After what I think was 4 hours I wake up to Heraklesr trying to wake me up. By shaking me frantically.

"I wondered if you wanted to navigate while I sleep," he said sleepily.

"I do not know how to navigate," I say desperately.

"You learn fast enough, "says Heraklesr and fall asleep. I was tired and now I had to navigate. I began by trying to look at the stars, but gave up after a while.

"One tip is to check on the pole star, then look for a belt-like constellation," says Aeolus and pointing toward the sky. I do like Aeolus and after a while I start to understand how to find between the islands. As soon as you hear the waves hitting the rocks you know you are approaching a foundation.

After what I thought was an eternity it begins to brighten and you can see the country.

"Good morning," said Heraklesr yawning. I glares angrily at Heraklesr and continue to navigate.

"It seems that Ella has taken your job as navistreets," says Aeolus scornfully. Then they replace positions and Aeolus falls asleep. I got to navigate until the sun was it's highest in the sky. We begin to eat some soup and bread. It was very nice to eat some food during the long journey.

Just after 2 days Aeolus and Heraklesr start fighting. Arguing about who should do what. As they get angrier at each other, I start to lose my temper. So in short the further we go the more angry we get against each other. I give all the little dried meat and then look down at the amulet. It seems to have lost the brilliant color that it used to have before.

The atmosphere was not much better that the food started running out and Heraklesr and Aeolus looked as if they could any moment kill each other. I myself had also grown tired of their whining at each other. I started wondering why I got my hope up that Atlantis was real. I mean for me it's just a story. Nothing more. Just when I thought we would give up or kill each other, we see Atlantis. It might have not looked exactly as I had imagined but it was the real island of Atlantis. It was not just me who felt a relief but also Aeolus and Heraklesr seemed happy to finally be there. Some of the relief for me was that Atlantis was real.

As soon as we come into port, I hear people come running. Aeolus starts to help me out of the boat.

"Careful. It can be a bit awkward in the beginning to be on land again, "says Aeolus carefully and proceed with giving orders to Heraklesr.
"What should I do then? "I ask,
"You can help Heraklesr to pack out of the boat, "says Aeolus in a everyday manner.

We start to pack out the things out of the boat. It was mostly just sheets to take out of the boat. Aeolus takes some parchment and then moves away from the boat. I take a chance and ask Heraklesr.

"What do you know about Atlantis?" I ask him.

"Not so much. That's why I'm here, to get to know more about Atlantis, "Heraklesr respond quickly.

"You have a beautiful amulet. Where did you get hold of such a fine amulet? "Says Heraklesr and casts a strange look on my neck.
"I should probably go and find Aeolus, "I say quickly and run away from the boat.

Atlantis is quite similar to the 2000s, in addition to that they dress the same as you dress in Greece in ancient times. Some theories claim that Atlantis was an artificial island that was made ​​on a large machine. The more I look around the island the more likely those theories are.

The longer into the island you get, the weirder the houses are. I continue to run until I stumble across something or someone.

Authors notes: The guy on the picture is Heraklesr (pronounced Herkules) once again a cliffhanger.
Hope you liked the chapter. It was a bit tricky to write but i hope that you liked it. I felt a bit stressed to publish this chapter but now I think it's totally fine. Is Tuesdays a good day to publish plus Sundays? Please let me know.

Questions to you readers: Who do you ship? Heraklesr and Noella or Aeolus and Noella?

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